Above: Finn is making preparations for next year’s kindergarten registration. (photo via finn.nsboro.k12.ma.us)
Don’t fret if you don’t get a Kindergarten packet soon. If you have a child eligible for Southborough Kindergarten in the fall, you should receive your registration packet in the mail about a month from now.
The district announced that 2019-20 packets will be mailed on January 3rd (not in “mid-December” as in past years.) Eligible children are those who turn five by August 31, 2019. If your child was listed in the census, you should automatically be on the list.
If you moved to town recently and didn’t complete the census information, please contact the school. (You may also want to double check if you held your summer-baby back one year. When I did that, my child wasn’t on the list the following year!)
Registration will take place at Finn School on Thursday, January 17, 2017, 8:00 am – 2:30 pm. (That’s Mary Finn School at 60 Richards Road.)
If you need to follow up with the school, call 508-485-3176 ext. 103 to speak with Linda Brandt.
It’s a good time to remind readers that the district is hopeful that full day Kindergarten will be tuition free next year. (That’s pending budgets which still need to be finalized and voted on at Town Meeting.)