Above: Grades 3-12 violinists and cellists will take center stage – make that gym floor – to give parents an “audio snapshot” of the district’s orchestra program. (images from flickr L-R by eflon and Johnson D)
Southborough schools and Algonquin’s orchestra are teaming up to put on a special orchestra concert next week. The concert for string students in grades 3-12 takes place next Tuesday, January 15 at 7:00 – 8:00 pm.
Apparently, it’s too big an affair for the auditorium. String-o-rama will be held in the Trottier gymnasium.

For the younger families, the concert will likely inspire visions of the future. For older students’ families it should trigger reminiscences.
String-o-rama is described as “a vertical audio snapshot” of the district’s instrumental music curriculum. It’s also likened to a cartoon flipbook:
A short performance with quick transitions between grade levels allows the curriculum to unfold in an auditory snapshot.
An event announcement explains that the concert was created to give students and parents/guardians the opportunity an overview of the instrumental music curriculum. It will quickly take the audience through the progression of learning from grades 3-12.
The concert will feature short performances from each grade level String Orchestra. The concert culminates in a finale performed by the students from all 10 grades.
Updated (1/9/19 3:17 pm): Fixed typo referring to this week.