Above: This week’s events include a chance to cook up and share food from the Momofuku cookbook and to watch the junior high’s jr version of High School Musical. (image left from Facebook)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week.
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For those listings and more, check the Event Calendar.]
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
- Knitting Club (Senior Center Program) (1:00 – 2:00 pm) @ The Southborough Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Rd: Bi-weekly gathering coordinated by Helen Varney. Come join a wonderful group of ladies working on their own creations and discussing community projects. Stop by for a cup of coffee/tea and visit with the group or join right in!
- Poetry Workshop (6:30 – 8:30 pm) @ Southborough Library, Main Level: At the semi-monthly sessions, Everyone is asked to bring in five copies of their original poetry for supportive feedback. If you don’t have a poem, come and share your insights.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
- NSPAC – Importance of Self-Care for Parents (10:00 am) @ Northborough Library, 34 Main St, Northborough: NSPAC Meeting featuring this presentation by June David-Fors, Director of Northborough Family and Youth Services. For details, see dedicated post.
- Movie matinee (Senior Center program) (1:00 – 2:50 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Free screening of comedy musical Mamma Mia (PG-13) Snacks will be provided. Please sign up in advance at 508-229-4453. (You can click here for synopsis on official movie site.)
- Tales & Tails (6:15 – 7:15 pm) @ Library, main level: Children are welcome to come in and read to a dog. The kids must have some reading ability. Registration is required. Please contact the Children’s Room staff for more information. (This event runs monthly on Wed evening and Thurs afternoon.)
Thursday, January 24, 2019
- Tales & Tails (4:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Library, main level: Children are welcome to come in and read to a dog. The kids must have some reading ability. Registration is required. Please contact the Children’s Room staff for more information. (This event runs monthly on Wed evening and Thurs afternoon.)
- Cook Book Club (7:00 – 8:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: Join the Library for its monthly cookbook group. Participants will each cook a different dish from the selected cook book of the month. This month’s selection is Momofuku by David Chang and Peter Meehan. To avoid overlap, please email msorensen@southboroughma.com in advance with your selection.
Friday, January 25, 2019
- The Crown (Senior Center program) (12:30 – 3:00 pm) @ The Southborough Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Rd: The Center will be screening episodes from the 2nd season of the popular Netflix series – two at a time with a break for refreshments in between. For headcount purposes, please sign up to attend.
- High School Musical, Jr (7:00 – 8:15 pm) @ Trottier Middle School auditorium, 49 Parkerville Rd: Trottier’s 6-8th grade winter musical. Tickets are $5 each. (Snow date would be Sunday, January 27th)
Saturday, January 26, 2019
- Chess program at Library (2:00 – 4:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: The Southborough Library is continuing its Saturday Chess program for players ages 12+ who are interested in learning beginner chess skills. It meets on Saturdays twice a month. (For details, see initial post from when it launched in the fall.)
- High School Musical Jr (3:00 – 4:15 pm) @ Trottier Middle School auditorium, 49 Parkerville Rd: Trottier’s 6-8th grade winter musical. Tickets are $5 each. (Snow date would be Sunday, January 27th)
- Light Up Sledding (4:30 – 8:00 pm) @ Chestnut Hill Farm, Chestnut Hill Road: This event is weekly weather permitting and it’s the first week this year that we’ve had snow as a possibility. But with forecast warmer temps and rain mid-week, it’s likely to be gone again. If weather cooperates, the hill will be lined with lit lanes for after dark sledding.