Above: This winter, active seniors can brave the New England outdoors and/or join Trailblazers for a sheltered activity. (image left cropped from a past SOLF event posted to Facebook, right from the Bowladrome website)
The Trailblazers have organized more events for active seniors this winter. Once again, they’ll be leading some snowshoeing/winter hikes on trails interspersed with indoor bowling fun.
Unfortunately, I was missing the newsletter insert – so I missed sharing events earlier this month.
Seniors are invited to join them for candlepin bowling at Sawyer’s Bowladrome in Northborough. (That’s bowling with the little balls.) That takes place on four Wednesdays, including today – January 23 & 30 and February 13 & 20:
Meet at Sawyer’s Bowladrome, 13 Blake Street, Northborough at 1:00pm for a few Strings of candlepin bowling. You can sign up for one or all four dates. Please let the front desk know which dates you will attend. Suggested Donation—$5.00

Carpooling is offered for the outdoor events. I missed the first one, but there are three Hiking/Snowshoeing events left:
- Monday, January 28th – Chestnut Hill Farm
Meet at the Senior Center at 9:30 am – about 1-2 miles on marked trails.
- Thursday, February 14th – Bay Circuit Trail
Meet at the Senior Center at 1:00pm – about 2 miles on the next section of the trail. (The Trailblazers have been tackling the big trail one section at a time.)
- Monday, February 25th – Callahan State Park.
Meet at the Senior Center at 9:30 am – about 1-2 miles on marked trails.
For all of these activities, please pre-register by calling 508-229-4453 or stopping by the Front Desk.
The center has limited snowshoes to lend out for the events (2 women’s and 2 men’s). To find out if any are still available or sign up for any of the activities, call the front desk.
If the shoes are all reserved, you have at least one other option. REI in Framingham rents out snowshoes. (Last winter, it seemed that all of the local outdoor equipment places were out of the rental business. But REI confirmed today that they are now renting the equipment.)