Above: Rotary is seeking talent to audition. The casting call isn’t limited to students in 4th grade and up. Adults are also welcome.
Love to juggle? Are you a closet rock star? Don’t keep you talent hidden. It’s time to share it with the town.
Auditions are coming up for the 19th annual Southborough Rotary Club Talent Show. This fun annual event features 4th graders through adults performing acts of all types.
Yes, that’s right. Adults are also welcome to perform.
Rotary is also trying to cast a wider net. They expanded down to 4th grade. As always, they welcome Neary, Trottier and Algonquin students. They’re also reaching out to the private schools and Assabet.
This year the show will be pushed out a bit further in the season.
Auditions will be held on March 28th. And save the date for the actual show on the evening of May 3rd.
Tryouts will take place at Trottier Middle School in the auditorium.
They’ll run from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, but you should schedule your stage time by contacting one of the coordinators.
Email either Ms. Bartolomei at Trottier (rbartolomei@nsboro.k12.ma.us) or Ms. Dimitrov at Neary (jdimitrov@nsboro.k12.ma.us).
Updated (3/14/19 1:58 pm): The date for the Auditions has moved from March 25th to 28th. (They don’t want to have to scramble at the last minute if on the night of March 23rd Town Meeting is continued to the 25th.) I changed the date on the text (and covered up the old one on the flyer).