Above: K-5 kids and their parents are being encouraged to come on out to play math games this Thursday night. (images from tangmath.com)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week.
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For those listings and more, check the Event Calendar.]
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
- Crossfit class for Seniors (1:15 – 2:00 pm) @ Pennant CrossFit, 12 Southville Rd: Fitness Starter Class for seniors coordinated through the Southborough Senior Center.
- For details, see dedicated post.
- Old Book Crafting (3:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: Teens and tweens are invited to make crafts out of pages from old books. Ages 12+ are invited to invited to upcycle old books to give them new life. For details, see dedicated post.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
- Aging & Vision Loss (10:00 – 11:00 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: Presentation by Mass Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. “People frequently equate loss of vision to old age and assume that nothing can be done to improve quality of life. However, you may be surprised to learn that one can continue many of the activities previously enjoyed.” For details see flyer.
- Movie Matinee – First Man (1:00 – 2:30 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Free screening for seniors of the PG-13 movie biopic of Neil Armstrong from 1961 through his moon landing in 1969. Starring Ryan Gosling. Please sign up at the front desk or call 508-229-4453. Snacks will be provided
- 2nd-3rd Grade Book Group (4:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: The monthly group is led by Children’s Librarian Kim Ivers. This month’s discussion and activities will revolve around the book Key Hunters: The Mysterious Moonstone by Eric Luper. (For information or to sign your child up, contact Kim at kivers@southboroughma.com or 508-485-503.)
- Middle School Rugby Parent Info Night (7:00 pm) @ Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Rd: The info night is to answer parent questions about a new co-ed program being sponsored by Southborough Rec this spring. The Northborough Southborough Middle School Rugby team is open to all levels of experience and will be coached by USA rugby qualified coaches. For details, see dedicated post.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
- Crossfit class for Seniors (1:15 – 2:00 pm) @ Pennant CrossFit, 12 Southville Rd: Fitness Starter Class for seniors coordinated through the Southborough Senior Center. For details, see dedicated post.
- Tales & Tails (4:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Southborough Library, main level: Children are welcome to come in and read to a dog. The kids must have some reading ability. Registration is required. Please contact the Children’s Room staff for more information. (This event runs monthly on Wednesday and Thursday of the 4th week of each month.)
- Family Math Night (6:30 – 8:00 pm) @ ARHS Cafeteria: Event hosted by Northborough-Southborough Public Schools appears to be geared to K-5 families. For details, see dedicated post.
- Trottier Band & Orchestra Concert (7:00 – 9:00 pm) @ Trottier Middle School: Student concert for families
- Southborough Genealogy Club (7:00 – 8:30 pm) @ Southborough Library: This is an informal group meeting where you can learn and share tips about resources for researching family history. This monthly event is free and open to the public. Bring your laptop, log into Ancestry.com, and join in! If you have questions, contact carol.colaianni@comcast.net.
Friday, March 22, 2019
- Gr. 3 parents Principal’s Coffee (9:00 – 10:00 am) @ Woodward School Cafeteria: This month, Woodward School’s Principal’s Coffee is geared towards parents of 3rd graders. The topic is MCAS testing.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
- Children’s Room Grand Reopening (10:00 am – 12:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: Please join the library’s staff, the Southborough Library Board of Trustees, and The Friends of the Southborough Library as we welcome town residents, library patrons, and our users back downstairs.
- Art Workshop for Children (10:30 am – 12:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: Children ages 5-9 are invited to be a part of the drop in art workshops. (Siblings allowed.) This session, the focus is making a bird vessel using clay. Registration is not required. The workshop will be run by Bigelow Center for the Arts; Lanting Huang-Truong.
- Annual Town Meeting opens (1:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Trottier Middle School Auditorium, 49 Parkerville Rd: Southborough Voters act as the legislative branch of the Town each spring at Annual Town Meeting. This is the opening session. After this, subsequent sessions only take place if there are remaining Warrant Articles to be acted on. Free babysitting is available, but please register in advance (click here). For more details on this year’s Town Meeting, see dedicated posts.
- Chess program at Library (2:00 – 4:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: The Southborough Library is continuing its Saturday Chess program for players ages 12+ who are interested in learning beginner chess skills. It meets on Saturdays twice a month.
- Annual Town Meeting continues (7:00 – 11:00 pm) @ Trottier Middle School Auditorium, 49 Parkerville Rd: Continuation from 1:00 pm session if business wasn’t completed.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
- The Sultan and the Saint (6:30 pm) @ St. Mark’s Church Hall, 27 Main St: In response to the attack on two mosques in Christchurch, NZ join Southborough Neighbors for Peace for a special viewing of the film “The Sultan and the Saint” followed by a conversation on interfaith desires for peace in a world too often given to stereotypes and fear. For details, see dedicated post.