Above: SYFS and the Library are teaming up on a Community Read as part of the “Unplugged Initiative” to help parents grappling with impacts of screen time on their children – both young ones and young adults – and what to do about it. (image cropped from flyer)
Southborough parents are invited to check out a book and save the date, then “unplug. read. discuss.”
Southborough Youth and Family Services and the Southborough Library are organizing an “Unplugged Community Read”. The book selection is “Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time.”
Parents are encouraged to check out the book and read it in time for a group discussion at the Library. That will take place 7:00 pm on Tuesday, April 30th. Books are available for checkout at the Library.
(So, if you’re visiting the Library on Saturday morning for the Children’s Room Grand Re-Opening or the book sale, swing by the Front Desk to ask about the book.)
Worried that you won’t have time to get through the whole book (or any of it)? SYFS invites to come on out that night anyway. (Conversely, if you can’t make the talk, you can still read the book.)
The flyer promotes:
Want an opportunity to discuss the stress that accompanies screen time battles at home? Join us for a community read of Reset Your Child’s brain by Victoria Dunckley, MD
Screen time. It can cause tension in any family whether your children are young or young adults. Some youth get irritable and others revved up. It can affect homework, sleep, socializing or jobs. For some families it’s annoying and for others it’s much bigger than that. However it affects your family, join us to discuss the book and other strategies or struggles.
I have to say, that I appreciate SYFS’ ongoing attempts at a community approach to the “Unplugged Initiative”. It’s a whole lot easier to cut back on your kids’ screen time when they know that some of their friends have the same/similar restrictions.
The book discussion doesn’t currently have an attendance limit, but they are asking for pre-registration to help them plan. You can sign up here.
You can also register by calling or emailing Shannon at skinayman@southboroughma.com or by calling 508-481-5676, ext 3.