Above: After school programs on offer through Recreation this spring include the Track & Field program for Trottier and Neary, plus a wide range of RAP classes. (images: top row from the Rec Facebook page; bottom left cropped from post to flickr by Seth Lemmons, center on Facebook by Fast Athletics, and right before & after by Beth Melo)
Registration is now open for the final session of this year’s after school programs (and Finn’s AM program). There’s are lots of options for kids feeling a bit of spring fever. And, as always, there are also creative and fun educational classes in the mix.
The Track & Field program will run Mon, Wed, & Fri afternoon for 7 weeks starting on April 22nd. The program is based at Trottier and open to their students, plus up to 20 5th graders:
The Track & Field Program focuses on an introduction to several events such as distance running, relays, long jump, shot put and turbo jav. Conditioning techniques are also stressed, in addition to practice time. There will be opportunities to participate in track meets with a season end event at Algonquin High School.
Rec hired a new head and assistant coach this spring, following the retirement of long-time coach Jeff Beane. You can learn about the kids’ new mentors here. Registration is due by April 29th. (To register, use the following links: Trottier online signup, Trottier Reg form, Neary online signup, and Neary Reg form.)
Most RAP classes will begin at the end of this month/beginning of next, and finish out in late May/early June. For info on the choices, click on your school below to open the flyer:
To register for the programs online, click here.