At the start of the month, Public Works warned that Main Street Reconstruction work would begin in April with dates TBD. As I previously shared, this year’s work will focus on tree clearing and drainage.
Today, Monday, April 22nd, the Town updated:
Tree work is starting on Main Street this week.
Water by-pass will begin by end of week. By-pass work will start near Sears Road.
Nice job taking down ALL of the trees at the Burnett house bordering Parkerville Road.
Thanks for NOTHING!
I guess this is just the start of the rape of west Main St. and any remaining privacy the trees would have provided.
Oh – no problem – they’ll grow right back in a couple of hundred years…
Could not believe, what appears to be, unnecessary tree work!!! I could understand if these trees were on Main St., but Parkerville Road is not part of this road work. Very sorry to see them cut down!
I still have to check out what commenters are referring to. But as for connection to the road work, I pulled up the project plans and it appears that a section of Parkerville is in the project. It was in the plans presented to voters before Town Meeting voted. But while that designates the area described in comments as a “water quality treatment area” it doesn’t clearly indicate tree clearing. (You can see the “concept plan” for that section of the project here.)
I’m no expert in reading road engineering plans, so I can’t say more than that at this point. I’ll be following up with Public Works for more details on what has happened and will be happening there.