Above: Steven Achilles begins his new job as the Southborough Fire Chief next week. The public is invited to his swearing in ceremony. (photo from Facebook)
Next Monday, Southborough will welcome its new Fire Chief. The Town issued an invitation for the public to join them.
The “Installation Ceremony” for Chief Steven E. Achilles will take place on Monday, April 29th at 5:30 pm. It will take place at Cordaville Hall (aka the Senior Center), 9 Cordaville Road.
Here’s the information from the program:
- Posting of Colors & Pledge of Allegiance by Boy Scout, Troop 92
- Invocation by Andy Burr, Fire Dept Chaplain
- Remarks by Lisa Braccio Chair of Board of Selectmen and Jason Malinowski, Chair of Fire Chief Screening Committee
- Firefighter’s Oath by Kevin Breen, Fire Chief, City of Marlborough
- Closing Remarks by Chief Steven Achilles
Refreshments will be served after the ceremony, courtesy of the Southborough Fire Association.