Above: Interested in joining some women for rounds of fun, social golf? Hit the tees at the Southborough Golf Club on Monday mornings, starting next week. (image from club website)
A new sports league is recruiting in town. This one is for adults, specifically female golfers.
The best part is there are no membership fees* – and it sounds like the “Casual League” encourages golfers to just drop in to join them at their weekly tee time.
Today may not be the best weather to inspire you to get outdoors. But, I’m optimistic that the greens will be beckoning you by next Monday. Organizers certainly hope so, since that’s the official launch date.
Here are the details:
Southborough Golf Club Women’s Casual League
The Southborough Golf Club Women’s Casual League will kick off the season on Monday, April 29th, at 9 AM. The league is designed to help you meet other female golfers and have a fun time doing it! There are no league dues; because this is primarily a social league, members are not required to register for a handicap. Come join us!
- Season runs from April 29th through October (weather permitting).
- We tee off on Monday mornings at 9 AM. Once the temperature warms up, we will switch to 8 AM. Please arrive at the golf course at least 15 minutes early.
- You do not have to commit to being there every week. We are very casual!
For more information, contact Judy at 508-481-3230. Please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
*Updated (4/23/19 9:41 am): To clarify – I meant that there are no league fees. You’ll still have to pay to play on the Southborough Golf Club course.
Sounds like a fun league. A good way to meet other golfers, work on your game and support our local golf course.
We had a great turn out with 13 golfers braving the cooler weather to kick-off the season. We would love to have more. Join us!