Seniors invited to “Living By Design” workshop series on life goals and finances – register now

The Southborough Senior Center is hosting a free workshop series. While a key component is finances – the “introspective program” is not focused on investing. The hope is to:

help people define their own current life goals and how to achieve them no matter what their age. (Including how best to integrate your own individual financial circumstances with your own individual goals).

The three part “Living By Design” workshop starts next week. It will run on Mondays May 13th, 20th and June 3rd from 1:00—2:30 pm.

The course will be led by Peter Martin:

a 25 year resident of Southborough and former Friends of the Council on Aging President. He is a financial advisor but is also an avid writer and public speaker.

Seniors are asked to sign up by this Thursday, May 9th. You can swing by the front desk at the Senior Center or call (508) 229-4453.

The flyer details: 

The Living by Design workshop is designed to help people entering or in retirement to create their own life by design rather than by default. We examine our values and priorities. We look at our habits and systems and, lastly, our financial behavior. Attendees will walk away with a clearly written design for their life of their own making, tools to begin implementing it, and clarity on the finances to support that design.

Part 1 Description:
The first part of the “Living by Design” workshop involves discerning those values that we prize most in our life. We then identify a vision for our life by design. Together we tie our vision and values into our priorities and goals.

Part 2 Description:
The second discussion will first focus on our current mindset behind key areas of our life Design. We will discern and become aware of how our current mindset is either helping or hurting our Design goals. Then we will begin to determine how and where we may need to shift our mindset to serve us. Lastly, during the second discussion we will discover the habits and systems to put in place to give our design the space to grow.

Part 3 Description:
During our third meeting we will share the money habits that help ensure our design becoming a reality. We will introduce a four step money management process that will cover spending, creating targets, living on less (if needed), and training ourselves where blind spots exist. We will look at ways to make these money habits run automatically in our life.

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