Above: Southborough’s American Legion post is the hub of gathering parade marchers every Veteran’s Day. What it isn’t, is a beneficiary of fundraising phone calls for the American Legion. (photo by Joao Melo)
A recent fundraising campaign by the American Legion has prompted questions and a warning. The callers may be legitimate fundraisers. But you still may not be satisfied with how the funds are used.
Commander Steve Whynot, the Acting Adjutant for American Legion Post 161 in Southborough, reached out. He shared:
After being informed that a Southborough Resident resident received a call from someone identifying himself as being a member of the Southborough American Legion Post 161 and soliciting contributions for the Legion – I contacted the State Office.
I’ve learned that this is a Marketing Firm – hired by the American Legion office of Massachusetts to raise funds. However – Only a percentage of what they raise – actually goes to the American Legion and NONE of the funds raised – go to the local Legion Post 161. . .
I would urge a great deal of caution – should they receive a call.
Members of our Post do not call to solicit contributions.
Whynot especially expressed concern that some residents may mistakenly believe that contributing to the phone campaign is a way to honor the memory of the late John Wilson, former Commander of the Legion post.
Thank You Beth for posting. I have serious doubts fund raising when only a small percentage actually goes to the cause they are soliciting for. In this case – it’s more troublesome when they identify themselves as a member of the local organization – when they are not. To me – it’s a tactic to hit at the local sentiment.
Should people want to donate – that’s fine…. just be aware….”It ain’t what it appears to be”….