Candidate’s Letter: Joe Hubley for Board of Selectman

[Ed note: On Tuesday, May 14th, residents will vote to appoint two candidates out of the four running for the Board of Selectmen. To help you make that decision, I have invited each of them to submit a letter to readers. You may comment to endorse the candidate. No mudslinging allowed.]

To the Editor:

I was born and raised in Southborough, where I joined the Fire Department in 1978. In 2002, I was promoted to Captain. Upon my retirement in 2015, I was appointed Senior Staff Representative at the Massachusetts Department of Labor Relations/Joint Labor Management Committee. In this role, I conduct mediation and dispute resolution between municipalities and their firefighters and police officers. I have been a member of the Southborough Community Preservation Committee for many years, have served on the Housing Authority, and I am Chair of the Southborough Historical Commission.

I am running for Selectman because I share a love of what makes Southborough unique: its conservation lands, its traditional feel and its open, participatory government. Recently however, pressures have been building to inalterably change our town, and not for the better. Our town government is often not responsive to the wishes of the voters or the recommendations of our various town boards, committees and commissions. If elected, I will pay attention to voters’ concerns, take advice from town boards and committees, and then put into practice fiscally sound policies that enhance the quality of life for us all.

I have several priorities if elected: 

  • make sure the voters have a say in the disposition of our remaining agricultural lands
  • pursue options for delaying the start-time for our middle and high school students
  • explore the creation of a Community Center using public/private partnership
  • use my negotiator skills to seek increased PILOT (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) from our largest nonprofit educational institutions: Fay School, St. Marks and the New England Center for Children
  • begin the process of replanting trees on our streetscapes, and removing invasive species as well as dead/fallen trees from our DCR lands
  • host regular bi-monthly office hours to directly hear and respond to voter concerns

Voters can learn more about my experience and positions at Or, watch my video HERE.

Joe Hubley
Candidate for Southborough Selectman

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Kelly Roney
5 years ago

Why I support Joe: He wants to preserve Southborough’s open space and historical buildings, but he’s well aware we can’t afford to save it all. Who should decide what we can save? The voters!

If respectful listening is important, there’s no one better, and he has a sense of humor to go with that respect. Our town government doesn’t have to be tense and unpleasant.

Another thing I’ve seen in the various political materials: Joe’s proposals are much more specific than the usual generalities. Sure, he has generalities, too, but he’s deeper than that.

Michael Weishan
5 years ago

Although I have lived in town now almost 30 years, this is the first time I have really become involved in a political campaign, working for the Committee to Elect Joe Hubley. The reason is simple: we have some serious problems ahead of us, and who better to help guide the ship than the man who was born here, helped saved the lives of his fellow citizens, and loves his hometown? I have known Joe for almost a decade on the Historical Commission, at the Historical Society, on various other Town boards and committees, But the very first time I met him speaks volumes about who he is, and it wasn’t under the best circumstances, at least from my perspective. Back in the early 00’s, I had let my spring burning go on past the set time, someone smelled the smoke and called the fire department. Two trucks arrived, in full regalia, sirens blaring, captained by Mr. Joe Hubley. I was of course mortified. They put out my fire, and Captain Hubley then lectured me quite sternly about how fast fire can move when unattended, the proper burning hours, the proper procedures, the necessity of having a hose at hand, etc. And this is the critical point —that illegal burning can be punished with a date in court, and if convicted, up to a 10K state fine. Not only did I not realize that, but I also didn’t realize that as Joe was talking to me, he was in fact assessing my intent to break the law. (The state fire marshal had also arrived by this time.) Joe could have really lowered the boom, but he chose a punishment—my obvious embarrassment and a promise to never do it again— that fit the severity of the crime. I relate this tale because it showcases one of Joe’s best qualities: sound and equitable judgement. Other candidates may be more glib and polished, but few share his ability to listen, use his own judgement, and act fairly. It’s no wonder Joe is now a successful labor mediator for the state. I firmly believe Joe will be one of the best Selectman we have had in a long time, and I urge my fellow citizens to vote for Joe! (Oh, yes, and to be sure to have your fires out by 4 PM!)

Beth Dambacher
5 years ago

Saves lives? Indeed!
In 2005 I suffered a brain aneurysm and when 911 was called it was Joe Hubley’s quick response and fast action that got me to the hospital in time. Thank you Joe!
But I knew Joe long before that. I had been working at Mauro’s market and Joe was a regular customer of course, as he lives and worked in the neighborhood. I always found Joe to be friendly, polite and kind. He is never too busy to say hello to anyone and it is true, he is a very good listener.
I think his work experience speaks for itself and believe he is well qualified to sit on the Board of Selectman. I also believe that he will act with great care and responsibility as Main St. continues to develop. His work with the Historical Commission shows how much he cares about our town’s character. It will not be lost as we proceed with Joe as Selectman.
I fully endorse Joe Hubley as a Selectman for our beautiful town.

5 years ago

After serving with Joe on the Historical Commission for several years, voting for him is an easy decision. Joe’s natural leadership skills are evident in every meeting. I observe Joe listening to the perspectives of others and carefully considering their views. I witness him set his own opinions and beliefs aside and consider the residents he serves. And, perhaps most notably, I can attest to Joe’s unwavering desire to do what is best for the town he loves.

Good leaders come to the table with at least as many questions as answers. They take the time to listen. They bring out the best in the people they work with, and they never lose sight of their core motivation. For Joe, that core motivation is to safeguard the future of Southborough and serve his fellow residents well.

Joe’s understanding of our issues runs deep, and his commitment to our residents is unmatched. He will listen and act with your needs at the forefront, just as he has always done in his nearly four decades of service to our town. Vote for Joe. He’s in this for you.

Anne Jones
5 years ago

Joe Hubley is a kind and intelligent man with a deep, practical knowledge of how this town works and how to reconcile opposing viewpoints. These qualities will serve him—and us—well if he us elected to the Board of Selectmen. Vote for Joe.

Renee Maiorana
5 years ago

I met Joe recently at a candidate’s meeting and was impressed by his solid platform minus the usual generalities. He is motivated to investigate the lack of PILOT contributions, and also is interested in creating a multi-generational community center which is something that could foster lasting community in Southborough. He is committed to involve residents in future decisions concerning remaining agricultural properties. And he promises to be accessible and responsive.

I like Joe’s honesty, practicality and sensibility. Coupled with his solid experience and willingness to take on the difficult tasks, I think he’ll make a great selectman.

Donald Cummings
5 years ago

I have had the pleasure of knowing Joe Hubley since we started working together at the Massachusetts Department of Labor/Joint Labor Management Committee . For the past seven years I have witnessed Joe utilize his skills as a mediator to resolve public sector labor disputes. Joe is successful because he is an excellent listener and creative thinker. I believe the skills that make him an excellent mediator will also make him an excellent selectmen. I strongly encourage you to vote Joe Hubley Selectmen.

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