Above: Rotary is bringing back special trucks for another 4-part food festival. They announced an incentive for you to rush down next Wednesday with new “Socks for Veterans”. (scroll down for photo credits**)
Starting next week, the Southborough Rotary Club is turning St. Mark’s “Front Meadow” back into a destination for foodies on Wednesdays. (Though, just for four weeks.)
The 4-part “Food Truck Festival” will kick off on Wednesday, May 22nd, 3:30 – 7:30 pm. The event will repeat on Wednesdays through June 12th.
Each week, the Rotary will feature a changing lineup of four food trucks selling dinner. You can top off your meal with dessert from a truck selling ice cream scoops.
There is no admission charge to attend. In fact, if you play your cards right, you can get free grub in return for supporting another charity.
Rotary hopes the public will fill-a-jeep in support of homeless veterans. The first 100 people to donate two new pairs of “Socks for Veterans” will be rewarded with a voucher:
We are asking people bring new socks, white athletic preferred (diabetic if possible), to the festival and donate them to help homeless Veterans. Look for the Army Jeep on the field; help us fill the Jeep with donated socks. CityWide of Boston, located here in Southborough, is sponsoring this effort for all four Wednesdays of the festival. Main Street Bank has generously offered to give the first 100 donors a $10.00 food truck voucher to anyone bringing two or more pairs of new socks.
That drive isn’t the only good work Rotary supports. So, they’ll also be happy to take financial donations from people who want to support their sponsorship efforts.
Still, the main purpose for the festival is putting on a feel good, community event downtown.
Next Wednesday’s truck line up has already been announced on Facebook:
Streat Food Rx, Teddy’s LunchBox, The Dogfather, Travelin’ Bones Barbecue, and Trombetta’s Farm Ice cream. AND there will be music that night provided by Southborough Cultural Arts Council. Reach out if you’re interested in being a sponsor – great event to see & be seen at!
For details on the following weeks, you can look for updates on their Facebook page.
**(photos: top row Festival and Sock drive images cropped from Facebook and flyer; bottom row L-R photos cropped from Facebook pages for Streat Food Rx, Teddy’s LunchBox, The Dogfather, and Travelin’ Bones Barbecue, and instagram post by “Luvy The Instagramer”)
Updated (5/22/19 3:38 pm): It turns out that the Festival is until 7:30 pm (not 7 as I originally misstated.) They’re also promising live music from Live music on site from approx. 5:30-6:30 pm.
Presence of these so-called food trucks – typically selling unhealthy fare (hotdogs? ice cream?) – should not be construed as anything resembling PILOT efforts on behalf of the St. Marks school.
To paraphrase Marie Antoinette, “Let them make PAYMENTS!”. Or, as Jerry Maguire so ‘eloquently’ stated, “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”.
A P.R. romp that does NOTHING to help the town.
C’mon St. Marks you CAN do better than this! As Fay School says, “You CAN if you WILL” (poteris modo velis). The problem is, so far, you’ve demonstrated you won’t…
I’m at a loss of words reading the ignorance in this comment.
If you don’t like what’s in the food trucks, you should direct your comments to Rotary, if I read the article correctly.
as for St Mark’s and PILOT issues, there’s nothing in the article that even credits St. Mark’s for donating their space for this charitable event; but you’ve assumed it…as did I.
maybe they don’t give us as much PILOT money as we’d like or deserve but their other contributions to the town should not be overlooked or taken for granted.
This is a Rotary event.
It is an optional family-friendly event. If you disapprove of the dietary options, don’t attend.
Its purpose is community engagement and support for military troops. Hopefully you support those, but if you don’t, again, don’t attend.
Nowhere does it say that this St. Mark’s is claiming that this has a PILOT equivalency. The town voted to enter negotiations regarding PILOTs. That will happen.
In the meantime, give it a rest. We live in a nice town and have nice things, in part because we are nice to each other. We can continue to do this *and* negotiate for more PILOTs. Or we can go nasty, have a nasty PILOT negotiation, and not have nice things.
We loved this event last year. Really excited that there will be music this year. Thanks to Rotary for making it happen.
The Hoolahan Family loved the event- what a novel way to get people out after living under our rocks and in our caves – hiding from the snow and rain this long winter! These trucks were a great idea and we applaud the efforts of the Rotary! Well done and we are so excited to welcome the trucks back again and see our neighbors and friends….let’s pray for 4 consecutive Sunny, DRY, Wednesday evenings!