Above: Save the date for dancing among the book stacks. The Library is offering a series of free ballroom lessons. (photo of dancers at the “pilot” held last August cropped from Facebook)
Break out your dancing shoes. The Southborough Library will convert it’s upstairs into a ballroom in June.
Starting June 5th, the Library will host free Ballroom Dancing lessons.
If you’ve always wanted to learn or have a desire to improve, here’s your chance. (Or, if you’ve already got the moves — take advantage of the chance to get back out on the dance floor.)
The Library received a grant from the Southborough Cultural Arts Council to bring back instructor Carole Ann Baer. (She ran a pilot dance night for the Library last August.)
Four four Wednesdays in June the public is invited to join them:
Learn waltz-style ballroom dancing on the library’s Main Floor programming space. Come in pairs or be matched up. . . learn new techniques every week.
The lessons take place at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays June 5 – 26.
For the first two lessons, you can even make it an evening of dinner and dancing. The sessions overlap the Food Truck Festival across the street Wednesdays May 22 – June 12, 3:30 – 7:30 pm.
Updated (5/17/19 10:40 am): The last class is on the 26th. Sorry for the typo!