Above: Looking for a missing ring since the annual Flag Replacement ceremony on May 24th? Or do you have something else lost or found to ask about? (photo right by Joao Melo from 2018 ceremony)
I’ve been notified that someone who participated in the pre-Memorial Day flag replacement ceremony apparently lost something that has been found. At the Town’s Flag Day ceremony on Friday, a ring was discovered in the bottom of a barrel holding flags. Commander Steve Whynot asked me to alert readers about the find.
He described it as silver with a design that looks like chainlinks and what also looks to be initials. (He’s holding back the initials for identification by the true owner.) If the ring belongs to you, you can contact him at 508-439-1092.
As long as I’m posting that news, I’m inviting anyone else with a lost or found item to participate.
If you’re seeking a lost item or its owner, post a comment below. If you have a photo, email mysouthborough@gmail.com and I can update this post to add it.