Above: The ceremony rededicating the relocated Fire and Police Memorial on 9/11 will be separate from the Opening Ceremony for the new police and fire complex, rescheduled to 9/9. (photo by Beth Melo)
Yesterday, I shared that The Town was planning to combine the Public Safety Building’s Opening Ceremony with the annual honoring of first responders who died on September 11th.
This morning, the Town updated their press release with the following announcement, separating the events:
The public is welcome to join a short opening ceremony on Monday September 9th at 7:30 AM by the Police/Fire Memorial at the new facility to jointly celebrate the opening of this new facility for our first responders. No public tours or access to the facility will be available on this day. The Police and Fire Departments will hold a private ceremony on September 11th to re-dedicate the memorial.
Some of you will note that four readers posted comments dismayed by the original timing. They didn’t approve of combining a celebration with the day of mourning. But I should clarify that I didn’t see and approve three of those comments until this morning, after the Town’s announcement was released. So, it is likely that the change was prompted by internal discussion (or by feedback provided directly to Town officials) rather than any comments on the blog.