Last week, I shared that Southborough’s risk threat level for EEE had been raised to moderate. Today, the state Department of Health classified our community as having an active threat. It advises that evening activities should be kept indoors:
*ADVISORY* As of 8/16/19, Southborough has been classified as an “active threat” community for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH). A person tested positive in Grafton. All evening outdoor activities should be canceled until advised by DPH or after the first hard frost. For more info:
The town will post/distribute more information and guidance in the coming days.
That doesn’t look promising for Southborough Summer Nights. But I don’t have official word on that yet.
(I can tell you that the Summer Concert on Wednesday night was well attended by mosquitoes.)
(image from Central MA Mosquito Control Project’s Facebook page)