Above: Seniors enjoying last year’s end of summer BBQ picnic. (image edited from photo on Facebook)
The annual End of Summer Picnic at the Senior Center is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th at noon.
This year, the event is for Friends of Council on Aging members only. (So, you may want to sign up to be a Friend.)
Registration is required with a suggested donation of $10 each. That covers the BBQ Buffet:
Come ready for a wonderful BBQ assortment of ribs, chicken, pulled pork, rolls, corn bread, macaroni and cheese, cole slaw, and corn on the cob with all the fixings. Oh My!
We will also be treated with a Make Your Own Sundae Bar, choice of a few flavors of ice cream along with all the toppings. This Ice Cream Bar is being sponsored by Eric Kessler and Betsy Connelly of Hearthstone at New Horizons. Thank you Eric and Betsy!
To register, sign up at the front desk or call (508) 229-4453. (Note: Registration is limited and Southborough residents will be prioritized.)
Looking at Facebook for a picture, I discovered that last year’s fun included a tropical isle theme complete with a trio from Gilligan’s Island.
Senior Picnics sponsored by the Town Council on Aging are okay on the 9/11 Anniversary, but Public Safety Building dedications are not. I’m not suggesting the seniors should change the date. Life goes on. I just find it confusing as to what is politically correct and what isn’t.
Sorry, I’ve always been a Mary Ann guy.