Above: Fay School is bringing back the Saturday’s Farmers Markets this fall. (contributed image)
Another annual fall happening to save the date for is coming up. Fay School’s Farmer Markets will kick off in just a couple of weeks.
The event will run weekly on Saturdays, September 21st through October 26th (skipping October 20th).
The Fay School Farmers Market strives to connect local communities with a shared interest in sustainable agriculture and products. By providing a space for consumers to engage with local vendors, we hope to build strong community ties and foster greater awareness regarding the benefits of engaging in local food systems.
The markets will again be held from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in Harlow Circle at Fay School (in front of the Primary School), 25 Middle Road.
More than a dozen local vendors are signed up already. Offerings include seasonal veggies, baked goods, fish, handmade soaps, knit goods, and more.*
To add to the fun, the markets include themed entertainment for kids.
The theme lineup this fall is:
September 21 – Local Heroes
Southborough’s Fire Department, Police Department, and DPW will be at the market for a touch-a-truck event from 10:00 – 11:00 am. There will also be a super hero mask craft throughout the duration of the market.
September 28 – Yoga and Bubbles
Start off the day with a parent/child yoga class from 10:00 – 11:00 am. Then, Mike the Bubble Man will perform a bubble show that combines science and magic from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. After the show, stick around for our bubble wrap painted apple craft.
October 5 – Star Wars
Jungle Jim of Boston will perform a special jedi training show from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. There will also be a jedi necklace and Darth Vader puppet craft.
October 12 – Fall
Celebrate fall with a special pumpkin painting craft and apple cider. The Girl Scouts will be at the market with a catapult-making activity for children.
October 26 – Halloween
We will partner with the Southborough Library to host a Halloween party that will feature crafts, a costume parade, and a storytime.
*Anyone interested in becoming a vendor can click here for info.
Updated (9/19/19 12:47 pm): The link above wasn’t working. I corrected it.
Updated (10/11/19 3:33 pm): The school changed its description of activities for October 12th.