Above: The Bloodmobile will be in town next Wednesday to collect donations for Children’s Hospital patients. (image from Facebook)
Next week, Children’s Hospital’s Bloodmobile will be pulling into town. The mobile blood donation center will be collecting “PintsforHalfPints”.
The blood drive is organized by Southborough business owner Kim Edgren. Some readers may recall that Edgren, who grew up in town, was born with a congenital heart defect. Over the years, she and her family have made an effort to give back to the medical community that helped her.
Following another successful open heart surgery, Edgren is doing it again.
The blood drive also ties in with the mission of Wee Care for Little People (her daycare business) by doing what it’s name implies. The drive is dedicated to Boston Children’s patients.
The blood drive will be held at their 5 Breakneck Hill Road location on Wednesday, October 9th. The drive will run from 1:00 – 6:00 pm, but you should make an appointment in advance. To do that, click here, login, and reference sponsor code WEECARE.
When you show up to donate, be sure to bring a photo ID. (You are also asked to hydrate in advance.)
For more information, contact Edgren at 508-485-4496.
Boston Children’s Hospital’s website posted the top ten reasons to donate blood to their program. You can read that by clicking on the image right.