Free “Speaking Shakespeare” workshop by Southborough resident – Monday

On Monday, attend a free workshop that promises to demistify Shakespeare. The opportunity is mainly for actors but open to everyone who wants to “connect with” the language of the Bard.

Movement, Voice and Text: Playing with Shakespeare’s Verse
Monday November 18 6:30-8pm

The workshop takes place in a neighboring town. But since it’s free and the Southborough resident running it asked, I’ve decided to share the opportunity.

 Karen Trachtenburg will run the workshop at Hopkinton Center for the Arts. The promo explains:

This workshop demystifies Shakespeare’s verse by exploring how the meaning of his words comes alive thru the voice and body. For both experienced actors and those completely new to Shakespeare, exercises in breath, movement and voice will be introduced as a means to connect with his language. We will play together as a group with his text – NO preparation or prior experience required. However, if anyone has a few lines of verse (iambic pentameter) memorized that you’d like to work on, please bring a hard copy of the text with you.

Offered free of charge and open to all at the Hopkinton Center for the Arts, the workshop is an introduction to the Voice and Movement for Actors course being taught this winter. Whether you are a fan of the Bard or just curious, come experience how fun speaking Shakespeare can be!

Southborough resident Karin Trachtenberg, has over 30 years of experience in the theater as an actor, director, teacher, producer and arts administrator. She holds a masters degree in Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley University and attended drama school in London. Karin has taught theater and arts education at Clark University, Lesley University’s Creative Arts in Education Program, Pine Manor College and The Schauspiel Gemainschaft in Zurich Switzerland. She has performed at various theater venues throughout the Boston area including Zeitgeist Stage, Roxbury Rep, Newton Nomadic, Newton Theater Company, 4th Wall Stage, Stageloft Rep, Fort Point Theater Channel, Marblehead Little Theatre and Open Theatre Project. She is currently enrolled in the Master Teacher certification program with legendary voice and Shakespeare coach Patsy Rodenburg.

Click here to sign up.

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