Above: Cub Scouts will be selling wreaths and hand dipped Hanukkah candles at convenient locations around town starting this weekend. (Photo left by Beth Melo, right contributed, and below right from scouts’ 2018 online sales website)
If you’re already anxious to start decking the halls, you’re in luck. Starting this Saturday, you can pick up Christmas wreaths and Hanukkah candles when you’re running errands in town.
Cub Scouts from both Southborough packs (1 & 926) will be selling them for $15 per wreath or box of 45 candles.
Town packs finished making door to door sales last weekend. Fortunately, you can still catch them at booths around town on the weekends from the 23rd through the first weekend in December.
Here’s the full schedule for where you can find them:
Sat. Nov. 23rd
- Dunkin Donuts — 8am-12pm
- Transfer Station — 8am-6pm
- Sat. Nov. 30th
- Dunkin Donuts — 8am-12pm
- Transfer Station — 8am-6pm
- Sat. Dec. 7th
- Dunkin Donuts — 8am-12pm
- Transfer Station — 8am-6pm
- Sun. Dec 8th
- Dunkin Donuts — 8am-12pm
- Sat. Dec. 7th
- St. Matthews — after 4pm Mass
- St. Annes — after the 5pm Mass
- Sun. Dec. 8th
- St. Matthews — after all Masses (7:30am, 9am and 11am)
- St. Anne’s Church — after all Masses (8:30am and 10:30am)
If you already placed your order with a Scout at the door this fall, look for your items to be delivered by November 27th.