I have another event for you to mark on your calendar for Southborough’s jam packed first Saturday in December – St. Mark’s Episcopal Church’s annual Christmas Bazaar.
It’s a quick hop from downtown. So there’s plenty of time to check it out before or after Santa lands. The event will run from from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Parish Hall (map).
Admission to the bazaar is free. Inside is live music and a kids’ activity area with crafts and games.
But it’s really all about the fundraising sales. These include a White Elephant; Jewelry, Toy, and Craft Sales; Silent Auction; Basket Raffle; “Jolly Jars”; and more. The “Bargain Box” will be holding its annual Bag Rummage Sale ($5/bag).
It’s also a great place to grab lunch or a snack while you’re running around that day. Volunteers will be selling baked goods. Plus, their Kitchen Café will offer lunch 11:30 am – 1:30 pm.
For more information, 508-481-1917 or info@stmarkssouthborough.com.
(image from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church website)