Above: The district’s pre-K program is housed at Finn School. Last year, they added a new playground area geared to the little ones. (image cropped from contributed photo)
The Northborough-Southborough district’s Preschool Program will be holding screenings in one month. If you want your child to be included, it’s time to act. Appointments are required.*
The program is described on their website as:
a rich learning environment for students with and without special needs. Our program is dedicated to ensuring that all children learn and develop in a caring, supportive, fun-filled environment.
For more information on the program, visit their site. It includes a brochure that overviews their philosophy, resources, schedule, and tuition rates. It also hosts the parent handbook with a lot more details.
To schedule a screening, please call Keri Crichton at 508-460-0941 or email kcrichton@nsboro.k12.ma.us.
More details are in the flyer, above right.
*Screenings aren’t required for children already enrolled in the program. This is to qualify new students for enrollment next fall. As explained in the brochure – General education students must be screened by the preschool team to make sure they are typically developing. Not all children screened may be offered a slot in a preschool classroom. Enrollment is based on availability of slots and classroom composition. When there are more general education students than slots, a waiting list is created. Parents are notified when a slot becomes available