Lanting Huang-Truong showed children how to sculpt clay at a past Drop in Art class. This Saturday, they’ll be sculpting pandas. And next month, she’ll lead them in painting butterflies.
The Southborough Library is continuing it’s free Drop-in Art series for kids with one scheduled for this weekend. Monthly workshops are run by town art instructor Lanting Huang-Truong of Bigelow Center for the Arts.
The series is scheduled through May. It is geared for 5-10 year olds, but siblings are welcome.
The Saturday events are open for drop-in between 10:30 am and noon.
This winter and spring, the art media will vary, but the focus will remain on endangered species:
- January 11 – sculpting giant pandas from clay
- February 22 – painting butterflies
- March 21 – orangutans- drawing & mixed media
- April 18 – painting Galapagos penguins
- May 23 – sculpting blue whales from model magic
The fun takes place in the downstairs, Eaton Meeting Room.
The series is sponsored by The Friends of the Southborough Library.