Above: Next week, registered Southborough Democrats are invited to take part in the Town’s caucus at the Library. (images cropped from party’s Facebook page)
Super Tuesday isn’t the only big day for Democrats in Southborough next week. On Saturday, March 7th, the town party is holding a caucus.
This one isn’t mainly about the election that’s been getting the most headlines. Delegates will be chosen that have an impact on the state convention being held in preparation for the US Senate race.
Here’s the message the party asked me to share:
Southborough Democrats to Hold a Caucus for the Democratic State Convention in Lowell
Have you been following the presidential debates closely? Are you rooting for the Democratic nominee? You may want to check out an opportunity to hang out with thousands of people who share your interests. The Massachusetts Democratic Party is holding a convention at the Tsongas Center in Lowell this May. Democrats from across Massachusetts will gather on May 30 to network, listen to speeches, pick up campaign swag, and endorse a candidate for the office of U.S. Senator. Candidates for Senator must receive 15% of the vote to appear on the September primary ballot, so if you are a Kennedy or Markey supporter, you may want to come to the convention and cheer on your candidate!
The Southborough Democratic Town Committee will be holding a caucus to elect five delegates and four alternates to attend the convention. The caucus will take place on Saturday, March 7 at 11:00 AM at the Southborough Library, 25 Main Street, Eaton Meeting Room (lower level). Sign-in will begin at 10:30 AM and the caucus should run until approximately 12:30 PM. Registered Democrats in Southborough may participate, vote, and run for one of the delegate or alternate slots. Candidates for delegate and alternate must consent to nomination in writing and must be present at the caucus. All candidates may make a two minute statement and may distribute materials on their behalf. All ballots will be written and secret. Those not elected as Delegate and/or Alternate, who meet the qualifications, may apply to be add-on delegates in the following categories: youth, minority and disabled. There are also opportunities to attend the convention as a non-voting volunteer or guest.
If you would like to find out more about the convention, the Massachusetts Democratic Party, or the Southborough Democratic Town Committee, please check https://massdems.org/2020-state-convention/, contact Rose Mauro at rddmauro@gmail.com, or visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/southborough.democrats/.
Looking at the website for the state convention, I found:
The 2020 MassDems Nominating Convention will vote on candidates for the US Senate ahead of the September primary. Candidates must receive at least 15% support from convention delegates in order to be on the primary ballot, and the candidate who wins the majority of votes will receive the endorsement of the convention. The Convention is also an important opportunity for Democrats across Massachusetts to come together to unite behind our shared values and organize to win up and down the ballot.