Above: Is there anything that tastes better straight from the garden than a homegrown tomato? (images cropped from Blackstone Valley Veggie Gardens on Facebook)
Next week, the Library is bringing back gardening experts Blackstone Valley Veggie Gardens. The upcoming program will focus on the most popular home crop, tomatoes.
learn all about Americas favorite veggie. learn how to plant from seeds and how to harvest seeds for next year.
The experts further promise to “teach you the best ways to maximize your harvest”.
The free program is sponsored by The Friends of the Southborough Library.
It will take place on Thursday, March 5th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm on the Library’s main floor.
*Updated (5/24/21 9:06 am): I was alerted about a purported copyright issue on another post where I used images from the BVVG Facebook posts. To ensure there aren’t any issues here, I removed the photos initially posted to illustrate each workshop.