Above: Southborough’s Front Steps has been posting photos of small business owners in town in addition to families having fun at home. (images cropped from photos on Facebook)
Last week, I shared that Chelsea Bradway successfully launched a Southborough version of the Front Steps photography project. In the past 7 days, Bradway has taken a lot more pics, collected a lot more donations, secured a “matching” donor, and gotten local media coverage.
So, it’s time for an update.
Last week, a Metrowest Daily News photographer took photos of Bradway as she snapped pics of residents on their porches/in their yards. In a Facebook post, Bradway corrected/added to details in the story:
We got some press! See below. Also to start the record out straight, I am still teaching. 🙂 That’s why I do this project from 2-6. And a huge shout out to Kylee Ramsey who is a vital asset to this project. She sends reminder messages, answers questions and most of all keeps this unorganized girl organized. 
And to Southborough, your generosity is a welcomed hug when we need one the most! I can’t wait to present Youth and Family Services and Southborough’s Food Pantry with some pretty big checks!
You can read the story in Wicked Local here or MWDN:
Today, Bradway updated me that she has collected over $3,300 for charity. She also has a matching donor, willing to contribute up to $7,000.
Funds collected will be donated to Southborough Food Pantry and to Southborough Youth and Family Services. (The money will be split equally, except for any instances where donors specifically direct which organization.)
Looking at the Facebook page, I see that the project is also spreading some important news and joy. (All while Bradway takes precautions not to spread the virus.)
The Facebook page shared photos and info on a dozen local small businesses still operating (selling food, pumping gas, towing vehicles, etc.), plus our first responders:
Her Facebook page also shared some great highlights of residents having fun with their photo shoots. Here is just a sampling to make you smile. (You can see more here.)