Algonquin Arts Videos: Student concerts, variety show, and poetry readings

Algonquin’s choral groups were scheduled to hold their spring concert last night. Obviously, they weren’t able to do that. But the school’s calendar listing is prompting me to think about all of the school concerts that normally take place in the spring. For those of you missing the music, I’m sharing the videos of concerts held earlier this year. 

In addition, I threw in other videos of Algonquin performances – the annual variety show and Poetry-Out-Loud events.

[If you want to pull up larger versions of the videos, follow links below to YouTube.]

ARHS Fall Choral Concert

“A World of Song” performed on October 23rd by Algonquin’s choral groups

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ARHS Jazz I & II at MAJE Jazz Festival

Two days before our district’s schools closed, Algonquin hosted the Central II region’s regional high school festival by the Massachusetts Association for Jazz Education. Groups played to an empty auditorium. Jazz I earned a gold medal and Jazz II silver. (Note: Northborough Cable also posted other schools’ performances. You can see those here.)

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ARHS Variety Show ’20

The February 13th event featured singers, musicians, and even a contortionist.

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Poetry Out Loud school finals

This winter, Algonquin held its annual poetry reading competition, as part of the statewide competition. In February, the school’s finalists competed for the right to move on to the regional competition. (Worth noting — The winner, Southborough’s Joseph Zhang, moved on to the regional competition and ultimately to the state competition for the 3rd year running.) This video is highlights from the finals compiled by ARHS Harbinger’s A&E Editor

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ARHS Jazz Night

The annual concert featuring Algonquin, Trottier, and Melican jazz bands and a guest musician. This year’s guest was Brian Thomas (a trombonist, composer, educator and leader of the BT ALC Big Band).

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ARHS Fall Instrumental Concert

Looking back to the fall — The first instrumental concert of the school year was held on October 30th. It featured the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, String Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble I and Jazz Ensemble II

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ARHS Holiday Festival Concert

The annual December concert brings together instrumental and vocal groups.

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ARHS Winter Instrumental Concert

Another instrumental concert was held on February 12th.

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