Schools ask students to “self care” and parents to prohibit playdates and interactive sports with friends; new tabs on NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0

Yesterday, the Northborough and Southborough public schools sent another message to parents.

This one included a message from school nurses to students, explaining the importance of “self care”. It also included a letter from the Wellness Directors asking parents to continue keeping students physically separated from friends. There was also an update on the remote learning program.


The update included a bit of good news that many parents had probably already learned through other media – there will be no MCAS testing this spring.

The message also noted that NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0’s website now includes a “Support Services” tab. While the tab doesn’t define the focus, Student Support is the department that assists students that need additional help, including special education students.

The new tab clarifies for parents looking for their help:

The Student Support Services team is working to provide some clarity and dynamic resources for families during this time. Please refer to the links below that will take you to pages with additional information. We are in constant communication with our state and federal level agencies and we will communicate any updates and new information as it becomes available. As you are aware, this situation is ever-changing and your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times are greatly appreciated. We are here to support you.

The links referenced are for correspondence, FAQs, forms, and resources.

NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 header with new tabsLooking at the site, it’s not the only new tab since the launch. They have also added tabs for Food Services (Lunch) plus Health and Wellness. The Health and Wellness tab includes information like that shared in yesterday’s newsletter. . .

Self Care Reminder

Self care flyer from school nursesThe flyer from school nurses references Self Care “R’s. It informs students and families that “Practicing Self-Care is NOT Selfish – It’s ESSENTIAL”.

A list of tips (all under the categories of R words like Relax, Routine, Resilience, and Remember) advises readers to practice being in the moment, form routines, stay active, savor time with family, etc.

You can click on the flyer right to enlarge. If the font is too small, you can open the pdf here.

Physical Distancing Reminder

With weather warming up, and the stay-at-home dragging on, the District Physician and Wellness Coordinator sent a reminder to parents and guardians about the importance of keeping up social distancing:

With school closure now into its fifth week, social/physical distancing is becoming more challenging. As we face our surge of COVID-19 cases, we must remember that social/physical distancing is our best defense in preventing further spread of the virus. School closure alone is not enough; it is only one of many physical distancing measures that will help us return to the routines we miss. Following guidelines is crucial, now more than ever.

Go out for essentials only, avoid going out unnecessarily. Waiting in line, inside a coffee shop or restaurant, for orders is unsafe. Drive-up or curbside pickup is best. A designated adult in the household should be going out to buy essentials.

Please remember, the virus can live on surfaces. Be aware of surfaces that a lot of hands may have touched (door handles, packages, grocery items). Wear gloves if you have them. If you have worn gloves, after safely removing them, dispose of them properly and wash your hands. Have hand sanitizer or hand sanitizing wipes in the car to use as needed.

No playdates, despite how much our children miss their friends. While spending time outside, walking, running, hiking or cycling is healthy and needed, we have to avoid kids getting together in groups even if they are outside. The temptation to do this will increase as the warmer weather approaches. Playing tennis, lacrosse, football, soccer, or running together are not social/physical distancing activities. Kids will touch the same ball and maintaining a distance of more than six feet safely when playing, running or cycling together is next to impossible. Please remember that while children may not have symptoms or be mildly affected, they can easily spread COVID-19 to others.

With the scientific and medical communities learning more about this novel virus, it is clear that there are large numbers of people with COVID-19 who do not show any symptoms; they can still spread the virus. Therefore, wearing a cloth mask when going out will prevent one from unknowingly shedding the virus in situations where maintaining a safe distance of more than six feet is difficult. Examples are a grocery store or a park or trail where there may be a large number of people.

Please continue to provide the facts to your children. For our younger children, make sure they know all the things we are doing are helping to prevent them and others from getting sick. Remind them of the things they can do to protect themselves like washing hands, keeping hands away from their face and not having playdates, which help us all stay healthy. Our older children may be exposed to false information minimizing or even mocking the seriousness of this epidemic. Please continue to provide them with the facts.

If you or anyone in your family has any symptoms of illness or you think that you and any household member may have been exposed to COVID-19, please reach out to your health care provider.

Please contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Dr. Safdar Medina Mary Ellen Duggan, RN
District Physician District Wellness Coordinator


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