Online “Afternoon Adventures with Chestnut Hill Farm” for elementary students next week

Chestnut Hill Farm is offering an education program for elementary students next week. The “Afternoon Adventures” three day program is:

designed for Kindergarten through 5th graders, with a focus on projects that can be done independently for 2nd through 5th graders and with grown-up/sibling assistance for younger children.

The program is priced per family ($20 for member families and $30 for non-members) and registration is due by Tuesday, April 28th at 10:00 am.

There’s a good reason for that deadline, the program includes interactive zoom sessions, and the first one is scheduled for that afternoon.

Here are more details: 

Wondering what to do with those afternoon hours when “school” is out? Now your children can be thoughtfully engaged with Trustees staff, their favorite farm, and great activities. Our farm educators have crafted experiences for children to complete on their own and share with new friends.

Subscribers will be emailed a packet on Monday with exciting activities for each afternoon. A list of materials needed to participate is included in the packet.* On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, children will gather online to share their inside-outside adventures and to learn about the topic of their next project from our friendly and informative farm staff. Join us as we share farm adventures together from our own homes! . . .

Chestnut Hill Farm’s Afternoon Adventures themes are:

Tuesday: Meet the Farm’s Goats

Wednesday: All About the Farm’s Wild Birds

Thursday: Growing Food on the Farm and at Home

Each day will include a craft or activity, plus interactive fun and education with farm staff via a Zoom session at 3PM. Before Tuesday’s Zoom session, children are encouraged to make a nature journal to use during the week (instructions are provided in the packet you’ll be emailed on Monday).

*Want to make participating even easier? Purchase an Afternoon Adventures Activity Bag! For $10 we’ll give you everything your child needs to participate in the week’s activities – including heavy-weight paper, craft materials, and more. Pick up your pre-ordered bag at Chestnut Hill Farm on Saturday, 4/25, between 10am-12noon, via contact-less pickup.

To register, click here.

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