Candidate’s Letter: Lisa Braccio for re-election to Board of Selectman

[Editor’s note: The May election has been postponed, but Southborough voters can already apply for early ballots. This spring residents will choose from three candidates running for two seats on the Board of Selectmen. To help you make that decision, I have invited each of them to submit letters* to readers.

You may comment to endorse the candidate. No mudslinging allowed. ]

Thank you for providing a wonderful forum for our citizens to share their viewpoints and for me, as a candidate for re-election, the opportunity to further introduce myself and share my vision and thoughts.

First let me thank, the Citizens, for the amazing opportunity to serve you and be your voice for the last 3 years. We are blessed to live in such an amazing Town with incredible spirit and sense of Community. Through this difficult time we are now experiencing from Covid-19 and the fear and isolation it brings, I have witnessed truly inspirational acts…Citizens coming together to support each other through making masks, meals, decorating rocks, Birthday drive-bys from the Police and Fire, and just being there for each other.

Your Board of Selectman had been meeting weekly initially, to ensure the Town continues to get the people’s business done effectively, that transparency and the opportunity for public participation is not eroded during virtual meetings, that budgets responsibly address the challenges being faced by you, the taxpayer, and most importantly working to ensure our Boards/Committees/Commissions to be able to meet and continue their good work.

I have spent my personal time reflecting on my family, the losses that my son Robert, a Senior at Algonquin, is enduring and helping those in our Town in any way that I could. I have worked closely with the Senior Center to ensure our most vulnerable residents’ needs are being met. I advanced efforts to keep the public updated on Town issues, updates and decisions. I have shared your concerns from every phone call, note or even comments via social media and have been determined to get answers and the information you need. 

I have proudly served this town for over 15 years. Currently on the Board of Selectman, one year as chair, Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee (SHOPC), Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee (AHTFC), Capital Planning Committee, and the Master Plan Committee. I have been an active member of the Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT)/Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) for 8 years. Prior to being elected to the Board of Selectman, I served on the Open Space Preservation Commission for 12 years and St. Marks Golf Course Master Plan Committee. Founder of Care Packages for Troops in 2005, though on hiatus could be activated at a moment’s notice for our Community to support our Service Members. 

I was instrumental in restarting Office Hours to make the Selectman more accessible and responsive to the needs of our Citizens. I also worked to institute a volunteer appreciation program, that recognizes all those that step forward to serve to make our Town a better place.

It is imperative in the next 3 years that we continue to work hard to address the budget constraints and be fiscally responsible to the Taxpayers. We must work together to find new avenues of revenue and work to cut our expenditures; we need to work to institute tough new standards as our financial outlook approaches a critical nature.

I will work to continue to establish better lines of communication between Town residents and the Board of Selectman. I will continue to work on improving inter-committee and board communications. Important decisions need to be made with input and knowledge of ALL relevant town entities.

As we prepare for the long road ahead and the eventual re-opening of our Town and State, please continue to support your local restaurants and businesses, our support will be vital for their being able to reopen and continue to support our Community.

My family has lived and worked in Southborough for over 19 years. Our son Robert’s education was all within the Southborough School system. He will be entering Fitchburg State in the fall for a 5-year Criminal Justice Police Program.

Lastly, we may not always agree, but I can guarantee you that you were heard, and your viewpoints were given full consideration.

I ask for your vote once again, via early voting or at the polls whenever that may be. If would like to speak to me via phone or email I can be reached at or 774-248-1381.

Following is a link to the application and directions for early voting.

Early Voting Application

Thank you for your consideration and stay safe,

Lisa Braccio
Candidate for re-election, Board of Selectman

*[Editor’s Note: Normally, candidates are capped at one letter before the election. This year, I’m allowing them to submit one now for early voters and a second letter closer to the yet-to-be-rescheduled election date.]

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4 years ago

Thank you, Lisa for all you have done during this trying time and during the last 3 years. We as a town have been incredibly lucky to have you serve on the Board of Selectmen. We are also incredibly lucky that you want to step up to the plate and serve another term. You have been the only person at the head of this town that we have heard from. You have worked tirelessly to keep us informed when we needed you the most. I hope everyone thinks about how effective you have been when they vote. We need people like you running this town. Thank you!

Jim Foley
4 years ago

I would just like to say not only is it obvious Lisa is certainly very qualified for the board of Selectmen but she is also one of the most caring and kind hearted people I know. She is as honest as the day is long and will work tirelessly to do what’s best for our town. I appreciate her stepping up again and her willingness to represent us. Thank you Lisa

Joyce Macknauskas
4 years ago

I am so pleased Lisa is running for re-election. Just attend a select men’s meeting and you will see for yourself how thoughtful and knowledgeable Lisa is. I have worked with Lisa in town projects and have watched her work on others. She is devoted and all-in and most of all she is caring. I hope we all get our voices heard by voting.

Tom McCarthy
4 years ago

Lisa is a proven leader and doer, concerned and willing to work to safeguard and make our community better.
Tom and Peg

John Kendall
4 years ago

Lisa has been there for everyone. When my neighbors were displaced by fire, she was with them every step of the way. A true representative of her constituents. She has my vote!

Frederica Gillespie
4 years ago

Lisa is a proven leader not only at the Board of Selectmen, but in many endeavors throughout town. She is smart and digs into all the issues both big and little that come before the Board of Selectmen. She looks into all sides of an issues and her votes reflect what she finds will be best for the town based on factual information from her research. She makes tough decisions even when unpopular when she finds it will be in the town’s best interest.
I had the pleasure to serve with Lisa on the Open Space Preservation Commission during her 12 year tenure, during most of which she was our Clerk, taking the minutes. Talk about a thankless job, but without which we couldn’t function. She performed those tedious duties with the same generosity of spirit as she does everything.
Lisa was Chair for the last year of her term, during which time she helped facilitate Southborough’s Grand Compromise, which resulted in the preservation of the Golf Course while allowing the Public Safety Building to move forward. Then in her first year as Selectmen, Lisa ensured the town developed the Conservation Restriction that forever assures that the Golf Course will remain public open space.
Lisa also instituted the Town’s Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, honoring the residents who donate countless hours to ensure the government of our town moves forward. Not an earth shattering accomplishment, but oh so important and meaningful.
Lisa’s biggest asset though is her Big Heart. She is one the most caring and compassionate person I have ever encountered.
During the Coronavirus shut down, Lisa can be found driving around town picking up homemade face masks and delivering them to the town’s most vulnerable. Or grocery shopping for a senior who can’t go out. Somehow wherever there’s a need … there’s Lisa and she comes with that wonderful infectious smile.
Vote for Lisa Braccio!
Smart Town Government with a Heart!
Freddie Gillespie

Meme Luttrell
4 years ago

I am proud to support Lisa for another term on the Board of Selectman. Lisa is caring, dedicated and always striving to make this town better for us all! She has done a fabulous job on the Board thus far and I look forward to the great things she will accomplish in her second term.
Thank you Lisa for all you have done for Southborough and for your willingness to serve another term.

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