Above: These days, meetings that usually take place in the Town House Hearing Room or other public facilities are being run by video/audio conference calls accessible to the public.
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas.
The Town intends to make each of its meetings available for viewing/listening via streaming live (and saved) video and audio on YouTube with some available for public comment by zoom. *
Be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website.**
Monday, May 4, 2020
- Capital Planning Committee Meeting, 7:30 am @ (agenda with packet) Agenda Highlights: Review of Existing Capital Plans for Police Dept, Police & Fire Radio Infrastructure and Fire Dept; FY21 Capital Requests including recommendation on Spring ATM, Fall STM, and Deferrals; Public Comment
- Southborough School Committee – Operational Budget Subcommittee Meeting, 2:00 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: FY20 and FY21 Budgets**
- Municipal Technology Committee Meeting, 7:00 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: COVID-19 risk mitigation via technology; Review of town email policy; Tech status strategy, & budgets for Library, schools, Town, and Public Safety; Town Meeting prep
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
- Southborough, Northborough, N-S Regional School Committee, N-S Superintendency Union #3 – Combined Special Open Meeting, 9:20 am @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Algonquin Regional High School Principal Finalist Interview with Mr. Sean Bevan***
- Board of Registrars of Voters Meeting, 6:30 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Joint Meeting with Board of Selectmen to set new date for Town Election
- Board of Selectmen Meeting, 6:30 pm @ (agenda with packet, Open Space & Rec Plan) Agenda Highlights: Hearings on Fitzgerald’s license amendments and National Grid manhole and duct locations; Memorial Day observances discussion; FY21 Budget update; Critical Articles for Annual Town Meeting; Rescheduling Town Election; Approve Open Space & Rec Plan; Covid-19 update; policy on emails for Town officials; Reappointments for FY21 staff positions; public comment
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
- Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee Meeting, 10:00 am @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss Masterplan Update and final draft review comments on Housing Production Plan
- Board of Assessors Meeting, 1:00 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Approve CP-1 Surcharge Report; Finance request for septic betterment write-off; Potential cuts to FY21 budget
- Southborough Master Plan Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Update on Survey; Develop objective/goal statement for each of the five theme areas to be as the basis ofthe vision statement from MAPC
Thursday, May 7, 2020
- N/S Regional School Committee Operational Budget Subcommittee Meeting, 9:00 am @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: FY20 & FY21 Budgets***
- Conservation Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Admin change request for addition of decking at 13 Foley Dr; Certificate of Compliance for Cain’s Crossing; Update on Chestnut Hill Farm trails; Continuation of public hearings to future dates
- Planning Board Meeting, 7:30 pm @ (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Continuation of hearings to future dates; Planner’s Report
*There is the caveat that there could be technical glitches that force them to take backup actions:
No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on Southborough’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting.
**Southborough Access Media will delay broadcast the School Committee Meeting via Verizon-29 and Charter-194 its online channel and YouTube
***The Combined Schools and Regional School Committees’ meetings will be live streamed and broadcast by Northborough Cable Access. That’s available in Southborough on Verizon-29 and Charter-194 or via NCAT’s live stream. The meeting will also be rebroadcast through NCAT’s YouTube channel and VOD player.