This week, tots can again tune into storytimes and to learn about Life on the Farm. Zoom sessions that adults are encouraged to join free zoom sessions covering restorative sleep and yoga plus serious topics including youth addiction.
While playing fields and other areas of life have started physically “opening” up, organized events in town continue to take place online. Here are highlights of what’s happening this week.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
- Life on the Farm Video Series (10:00 – 10:15 am) @ Facebook or Instagram: Chestnut Hill Farm’s farmers and staff will give you a live peek into always-busy farm life, including farm chores, what’s growing in the greenhouse and outside, farm wildlife, baby animals and their mamas, and more. For details, see dedicated post.
- Library’s Virtual Story Time (10:00 am) @ Facebook: Children’s Librarian “Miss Kim” will hold a story time on Facebook live, which will also be viewable after. (Note: you don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch the Library’s videos.) These will take place every Tuesday and Friday through May.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
- Getting the Restorative Sleep You Need (7:00 – 8:00 pm) @ webinar: Southborough’s Jill Vroman Fitness & Wellness is offering free webinars on improving the quality of your sleep “using the the ancient science of Ayurveda”. Pre-registration required. For details, see dedicated post.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
- Life on the Farm Video Series (10:00 – 10:15 am) @ Facebook or Instagram: Chestnut Hill Farm’s farmers and staff will give you a live peek into always-busy farm life, including farm chores, what’s growing in the greenhouse and outside, farm wildlife, baby animals and their mamas, and more. For details, see dedicated post.
- Yoga at Home (5:15 – 6:15 pm) @ zoom: Southborough Recreation is offering the free virtual classes. Stretch, de-stress and invite deep peace. This class, open to all levels of experience and ability, includes breath work, posture sequences to build strength and cultivate balance and concentration. For details, see dedicated post.
Living on the Edge of a Black Hole: Youth and Addiction (7:00 – 8:30 pm) @ zoom: A “conversation” on youth and addiction with a young man in recovery for opioid addiction. Cole has struggled with substance use since his early teenage years. He will share his journey from the stages of experimentation and self-medication with gateway drugs to a crippling opioid addiction. He will describe life on the street and facing death and his challenging road to recovery. For details, see dedicated post.
- Strategies for Parenting the Anxious or Depressed Child (7:00 – 8:00 pm) @ zoom: Pre-register ASAP for Southborough Youth & Family Services’ virtual workshop series. Learn some interventions frequently used by clinical and behavioral specialists to diffuse crises and reduce conflict while still setting limits and boundaries. For details, see dedicated post.
Friday, May 29, 2020
- Library’s Virtual Story Time (10:00 am) @ Facebook: Children’s Librarian “Miss Kim” will hold a story time on Facebook live, which will also be viewable after. (Note: you don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch the Library’s videos.) These will take place every Tuesday and Friday through May.
- Community Storytime by Kindergroup (11:00 am) @ Facebook: Southborough’s Jason Malinowski (a Firefighter/EMT) will read a book to young children over zoom. The reading is part of a series sponsored by Southborough Kindergroup. To join this and other events, the public is asked to join their Community Facebook Group. For details, see dedicated post.
- Getting the Restorative Sleep You Need (7:00 – 8:00 pm) @ webinar: Southborough’s Jill Vroman Fitness & Wellness is offering free webinars on improving the quality of your sleep “using the the ancient science of Ayurveda”. Pre-registration required. For details, see dedicated post.