Covid Update: No Southborough residents currently in isolation

This afternoon, the Town updated the official Covid-19 figures for Southborough. There were no new infections reported since last Friday, May 22nd.

The total number of patients confirmed as infected remained at 39. The only change was the number of cases that remain in isolation. Today, the figure dropped from 3 to zero.

Based on past information, it seems that patients were considered non-symptomatic long enough to presume they recovered.

The graph above the post is my look at the number of infected cases in Southborough since mid-March. It tracks the number of new cases the Town reported each week and the number that were reported to be under quarantine.

The figures represent Southborough residents, and don’t cover any non-resident employees. They are based on my tracking of the Health department’s updates on the Town website.

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4 years ago

Great news! Congrats to everyone for taking preventitive measures seriously.
Let’s keep up the good work, people.

Kelly Roney
4 years ago

Amen, southsider. Now comes an even harder part.

High risk people – seniors and those with co-morbidities – need to maintain their isolation. In fact, reopening will be more dangerous for them, because the people they rely on will likely have more contacts and thus higher risk of infection that they might take home to the vulnerable people.

So we all need to remember that caregivers and helpers who don’t appear to be vulnerable will have to maintain a higher level of vigilance. My brother-in-law can’t relax because my sister is type 1 diabetic, and it would be really bad for her if he took the virus home with him.

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