Town Election: Vote Now reminder and new info from candidates for selectmen

Registered voters* are running out of time to vote by mail in the Town Election. So here are some important reminders and updates.

The election will be held at Trottier Middle School (through the front doors) on Tuesday, June 16. Hours are shorter this year (8:00 am to 4:00 pm). That’s based on the Town Clerk’s impression that most of us will vote by mail out of safety concerns.

Early voting by mail is well underway. The application for the ballot warns that once the request form is submitted, it can take 10 days for the ballot to reach you by mail. That means, if you haven’t yet applied, the time is now. The application information can be found here.

As for who to cast your votes for. . .

Board of Selectmen

Three candidates are running for two seats on the board. Yesterday, the Community Advocate posted a story on them. The paper asked each candidate questions about what makes them the best person for the job, the Town’s primary problems, and more. You can read their answers here.

You can also read the candidates’ statements previously issued on this blog below:

Assabet Valley Regional Voc. Dist

(The Southborough representative on the committee for Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School)

While the ballot is blank, two candidates are running write-in campaigns for the single seat. Their statements links are below:

Northborough – Southborough Regional School Committee – Northborough Candidate

This one is made interesting by the fact that one candidate is also running for three other seats in Northborough and not traditionally campaigning for why he should be elected to this (or any) seat. You can read more about that here, including my endorsement of the top two candidates in the list below. Below are links to the candidates’ statements in The Northborough Guide:

For a look at everyone else running uncontested and tow other seats without any listed candidates, you can view the ballot here or read an old blog post from March here.

*Unfortunately, in Massachusetts, the deadline to register to vote is 20 days prior to a regular Town Meeting or Election. So, if you haven’t registered yet, it’s too late. However, you’ll still want to register to weigh in on the Special Town Meeting in the fall and the federal election in November. So, click here to register.

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