How AVRTHS & St Mark’s honored classes of 2020

Over the weekend, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School held its graduation ceremony. Our former school committee representative Mark Pietrewicz shared the details along with a couple of photos. It prompted me to also check in on what the private high school in town did this year. The private school held its Prize Day earlier this month.

AVRTHS Celebrates Class of 2020

Graduation Ceremonies

The public vocational school for our district held ceremonies over the course of three days to honor its 266 graduates. Beginning the evening Friday, June 19th, graduates were invited to receive diplomas and pose for pictures in front of families and friends. Attendees for each student were allowed to briefly exit their vehicles to stand and watch/take pictures.

Each graduate was honored separately, scheduled to average 4 minutes per student. Student times were organized by their specialty programs. The ceremonies continued on Saturday and were completed on Sunday. Below are photos posted to Facebook of the advance setup, followed by Pietriwicz’ photos from the event with Principal Mark Hollick at the podium.

AVRTHS driveway (from Facebook) AVRTHS graduation stage (from Facebook) AVRTHS graduation setup (from Facebook) AVRTHS Graduation Ceremony (photo by Mark Pietrewicz) AVRTHS Principal Mark Hollick (photo by Mark Pietrewicz)

The school posted a video address by valedictorian Timothy Moore. You can view that here.

AVRTHS 2020 lawn signs (from Facebook)Senior Recognitions

On June 5th, the school shared a video of its virtual Senior Recognitions ceremony. Earlier this spring, 80 faculty members and staff delivered individualized lawn signs to seniors’ homes. On Facebook, the school shared photos of class of 2020 students by specialty programs/classes, and students were invited to participate in a digital yearbook signing.

AVRTHS also held a rolling rally on May 29th. You can see photos in Metrowest Daily News here. Below is the school’s Facebook post sharing its official video of the event.

St. Mark’s School’s virtual Prize Day

St Mark's Class of 2020A drive up ceremony wasn’t feasible for the private boarding school with international students. The school shared details of it’s online ceremony, and hopes to hold an in person event next year:

St. Mark’s School’s 155th Prize Day graduation ceremony took place on the morning of Saturday, [June] 6, via an online platform. Eighty-three VI Formers officially graduated from the School. An in-person ceremony will take place on campus next June.

An alumnus, a longtime trustee, and a St. Mark’s grandparent, the Right Reverend J. Clark Grew ’58 (and grandparent of three St. Markers), retired Episcopal Bishop of Ohio, delivered the keynote address, while Jack Griffin ’20 was the valedictorian.

The school dedicated a page to details with links to videos (here).

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Mark Pietrewicz
4 years ago

Thank you for this post. The administration and staff of Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School did an amazing job to provide graduates with a memorable ceremony under difficult circumstances. Besides the need for social distancing, the three day event took place in close to 90 degree heat.

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