Mini “blogcation”

I’m sure there is more town news worth sharing this week, but I need to take some time off from the blog.

(It’s hard to tell my kids to spend less time on their screens when I spend all day on mine!)

I hope to be back to work by Monday afternoon. In the meantime, I won’t be available to approve comments.

In the meantime, you can click the following links for things-to-do-with-kids-this-summer and Events and Meetings this week. For meetings coming up next week, check the Town’s calendar.

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Alan Wynn
4 years ago

You owe yourself a break, lots of stress everywhere. Go somewhere and take a hike with your family daily for a couple of days each with no electronic devices. It will change your current perspective and you’ll probably exhale lots! Go on MA.Gov.DCR Trail Maps but I’d suggest the area north of Rte 2 beyond Gardner. Most within an hour+ of here. My favorite is anywhere around Royalston or Mt Grace in Warwick MA

4 years ago

Enjoy your blogcation — it’s very deserved! Thank you for keeping us all up to date. Happy summer!

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