Above: These days, most meetings that used to welcome the public to attend in the Town House Hearing Room or other public facilities are accessible to the public by video/audio conference calls only.
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas.
The Town intends to make each of its meetings available for viewing/listening via streaming live (and saved) video and audio on YouTube with some available for public comment by zoom.* Live streaming of school committee meetings is only available for viewing via webinars.
As always, be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
- Combined Schools Committee Meeting, 4:00 pm @ Algonquin Regional High School Cafeteria 79 Bartlett Street Northborough, MA (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Presentation by Tracy Novick, MASC Field Director on Open Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest, and Roles and Responsibilities of School Committee Members
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
- Joint Northborough and Southborough K-8 Schools Committees Meeting, 5:30 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Ratify agreements with Teachers Associations; First readings of new policies on face coverings and Covid-related issues. Pre-register for webinar here.**
- Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, 7:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Hearing on 5 Breakneck Hill Rd permit to convert house to 2-family residence; Hearings related to permits seeking relief on setbacks for projects setbacks on nonconforming lots – 12 Richards Rd shed, 2 Pleasant St deck, and garage; Hearing on variance for existing pool installed within setback
- Master Plan Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss/vote on drafts of Storyboard, Visions, Objectives, Goals, Recommendations, and Housing Chapter
- Regional School Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Ratify agreements with teachers association; Athletics; Budget; Fees for parking, athletics, and student activities; First readings of new policies on face coverings and Covid-related issues. Pre-register for webinar here.**
Thursday, August 27, 2020
- Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee Meeting, 8:00 am @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss Master Plan Committee Draft Visioning Report and Discussion, Housing Choice Bill, South Union School Building, and HPP Implementation Planning
- Combined School Committees Meeting, 3:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discussion of school committee minutes. Pre-register for webinar here.**
- cancelled – Cable Television Committee Meeting, 4:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Consideration of Charter license renewal
Friday, August 28, 2020
- Board of Selectmen Meeting, 8:00 am @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Town of Ashland request for emergency drinking water connections; Outdoor dining application and alcohol license application for Tomasso Trattoria
*There is the caveat that there could be technical glitches that force the Town to take backup actions:
No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on Southborough’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting.
**The school committees meetings should eventually be aired via Southborough Access Media and/or Northborough Cable and YouTube. To view live, register for webinar.
[Note: The public schools posted agendas for more collective bargaining meetings with the unions this week. I didn’t post those since they aren’t open to the public. (Agendas have committees immediately entering Closed Executive Sessions with no return to open session.) You can find those agendas on the Town’s calendar.]
Updated (8/25/20 6:49 pm) I listed the wrong dates for the Master Plan Committee meeting and the Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership. The Cable Committee Meeting has been cancelled.
While I’m updating, two meetings have been added – a Combined School Committee and Board of Selectmen.
Interesting to see 5 breakneck hill on the agenda for zoning. Is the day care no longer there?
They closed that one and merged with Main St earlier this year.