Above: These days, most meetings that used to welcome the public to attend in the Town House Hearing Room or other public facilities are accessible to the public by video/audio conference calls only.
The Town intends to make each of its meetings available for viewing/listening via streaming live (and saved) video and audio on YouTube with some available for public comment by zoom.* Live streaming of school committee meetings is only available for viewing via webinars.
As always, be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website. (For an update on meetings that popped up late last week, scroll down.)
Monday, September 28, 2020
- Metrowest Regional Transit Authority Meeting, 11:00 am @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Public comment/questions; Votes to approve Safety Plan, Title VI, and Clerk; Discuss fares virtual access (To join, call 872-240-3212 and enter ID# 321-119-429 or click here.)
- Planning Board Meeting, 7:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Hearing on Chestnut Hill Farm Barn Site Plan; Discussions on ANR Revision for Northborough Road, EDC Village Mixed Use District byaw status, and public shade trees
- Recreation Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Attending Planning Board meeting to discuss packet submitted for review of Mooney and Richardson lighting projects. (Planning Board’s agenda doesn’t list this topic, but does note inclusion of “Other Business Properly Before the Board”)
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
- Southborough School Committee Meeting, 6:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: FY22 Budget – draft priorities, review process (Click here to register for webinar)
- Conservation Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discussion with The Trustees of Reservation on Chestnut Hill Farms compliance with the CR regarding new barn and associated parking
Following up on last week, agendas for the meetings below were posted after my weekly post last Monday. Since most are available via YouTube, I’m sharing the info:
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
- Advisory Committee Meeting, 5:30 pm (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Report on the state of solid waste disposal; FY20 financial results; FY21 budget planning; Town cybersecurity/IT/MIS (watch video here)
Thursday, September 24, 2020
- Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee Meeting, 8:00 am @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss Warrant Article to release CPC funds annually to Housing Trust Fund, H Bill 3507 on Housing Choice, HPP Implementation Planning (watch video here)
- Youth Commission Meeting, 4:30 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Vote to Appoint Administrative Assistant (watch video here)
- Economic Development Committee Meeting, 7:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Village Mixed Use District zoning; Southborough Business Assistance Guide; Vote to disband EDC downtown subcommittee (watch video here)
Friday, September 25, 2020
- Library Board of Trustees Meeting, 1:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Updates on expenditures and Library Façade Restoration Project; vote on officers; Inclusivity/Diversity; Discuss new Young Adult Librarian position (watch video here)
- Cable Television Committee Meeting, 3:00 pm @ Virtual Meeting (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Review Charter Form 500s; Charter license renewal proposal (watch video here)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
- Board of Registrars of Voters Meeting, 9:00 am @ Town House parking lot (agenda) Agenda Highlights: November 3rd election – Votes on Early Voting location & hours, Central Tabulation Facility, and Advance Opening and Advance Deposit Facilities; Discuss potential audit of one precinct; Clerk determination of deficiency in number of required election officers
*There is the caveat that there could be technical glitches that force the Town to take backup actions:
No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on Southborough’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting.