Above: In a message to ARHS students, the administration urged following important health protocols, but also encouraged remaining positive. (image from school presentation with logo by senior Dana Gaudette)
This week, Algonquin is scheduled to welcome back students who selected Hybrid learning for this fall. I’m rounding up news out of and about the school.
Administration alerts parents about a “positive” case
Last night, a message to Algonquin families informed them that someone associated with the school tested positive. For privacy, the school didn’t disclose whether it was a student or teacher. But close contacts were being notified. (Those are defined as ” those who have been within 6 feet of distance of the individual for greater than ten minutes, in school spaces, on the bus, or at an extracurricular activity.”)
Hybrid attendance is still scheduled to begin tomorrow:
As the ARHS welcomes in-person students on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, the leadership team will closely monitor the adherence of safety protocols to mitigate the potential for in-school transmission of COVID-19. These include wearing masks, hand washing/sanitizing, maintaining physical distancing, self-screening, and staying home when experiencing symptoms that may be consistent with COVID-19. Additionally, high touch surfaces are disinfected throughout the day; other surfaces are disinfected each night, per our established procedures.
As a result of the protocols that the District has in place to mitigate the spread of the virus, and because of the nature of this case, there are no changes to Algonquin Regional High School’s reopening plan and hybrid learning will begin on Tuesday, October 6, 2020.
Last week, the school tweeted a photo highlighting special cleaning protocols this year:
We are taking lots of steps to get the building ready for students, including using significantly enhanced cleaning protocols, like cleaning high-touch points several times per day. Big thanks to our wonderful facilities staff for keeping us all healthy!
Regional School Committee Meetings
This afternoon – At 4:00 pm this afternoon, the Regional School Committee has a scheduled meeting. The agenda doesn’t include any Covid-19 updates but does allow for any business which may legally come before the committee. The meeting is specifically scheduled to establish budget priorities for next year and review the budget process. (It doesn’t include audience sharing.) You can find the agenda here and register to view the webinar here.
September 23rd – The committee covered a lot more topics at its meeting two weeks ago. The Community Advocate recapped the discussions. You can read that here and view the meeting here. Below is a quick list of items discussed:
- Principal Sean Bevan briefed the committee on the beginning of remote learning
- Athletic Director Mike Mocerino discussed the recent launch of Athletics practices, their competition pod, and protocols. (See images below tweeted by @ARHSAthletics of practices resumed on Sept 18 and the start of golf season on Sept 25)
- The committee will seek more information on the controversial distribution facility proposed for an abutting property
- The project to install panels on the school roof is on schedule
Welcome Back
The APTO welcomed back teachers and staff with an ice cream truck on September 25:
On Friday, Principal Bevan emailed families important reminders about the new practices this year. It included a link to a video welcoming students back and walking them through what to expect.