Election 2020 details in Southborough

Tomorrow—Tuesday, November 3rd—is Election Day. So, I’m rounding up again the details for Southborough voters. 

Mail in Ballots

Southborough Ballot Drop in Box

If you still have your mail in ballot, you can still use it today or Tuesday. First, please be sure to follow all of the instructions, including handling the envelope, so it isn’t disqualified. Then you can either drop that in the box outside of the Southborough Town House at 17 Common Street before the polls close (the earlier the better).

You can also mail it. But you need to make sure it gets postmarked by November 3rd.

Trottier voting entranceIn Person Voting – When & Where

6:30 am – 8:00 pm at Trottier Middle School, 49 Parkerville Road (entrance to the gym on side of school with the running track.)

While all voters vote in the same location, check-in is handled by precinct. If you aren’t sure of yours, you can check that here.

Covid-19 Admission Restrictions

Trottier marked linesDue to safety restrictions, only a limited number of voters can enter at a time. The remainder will have to wait outside.

Dress appropriately – At this point, no rain or snow is forecast. The wind gusts won’t be as strong as today, but are expected. So layer up for cold weather. (And be sure to wear a facemask.)

Avoid a longer wait by coming early – Town Clerk Jim Hegarty is anticipating the longest wait times to be from 3:00 to 8:00 pm.

Before entering the gym voters will be asked to answer COVID screening questions. (Voters who trigger concern due to their answers will be pulled aside to be aided separately. They are still allowed to vote. If you have any questions about your ability to safely vote, due to symptoms or quarantine issues, I’d call the Town Clerk’s office.*)

Be Prepared to Vote

The ballot includes more than Presidential candidates. It also asks voters to decide on two legislative initiatives and multiple races. Below is information on both with relevant links to help you finalize any decisions you have yet to make. 

Ballot Questions:

  • Question 1 –  Motor Vehicle Mechanical Data –  Boston.com summed up the support and opposition arguments here. (A more recent Boston Globe business column gives a clearer explanation of the tech at the heart of the question and what’s at stake for voters and auto repair shops. So I’m also sharing it even though the writer takes a position.)
    • A YES VOTE would provide motor vehicle owners and independent repair facilities with expanded access to wirelessly transmitted mechanical data related to their vehicles’ maintenance and repair.
      A NO VOTE would make no change in the law governing access to vehicles’ wirelessly transmitted mechanical data.
  • Question 2 – Rank Choice Voting – Another Boston.com piece explains the arguments for and against the proposed voting measure.
    • A YES VOTE would create a system of ranked-choice voting in which voters would have the option to rank candidates in order of preference and votes would be counted in rounds, eliminating candidates with the lowest votes until one candidate has received a majority.
    • A NO VOTE would make no change in the laws governing voting and how votes are counted.

For the full text of each question, click here and scroll down.

As for who is running. . . 

We all know that the Presidential ticket is on the ballot. As one resident highlighted in a letter to the editor, some voters may not realize there are more than two parties vying for votes. In Massachusetts, voters can choose from electors for:

Thanks to a highly competitive primary, you are probably also aware of the race for U.S Senator. (Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if a number of readers haven’t heard of the GOP’s nominee.)

There are two other races on Southborough’s ballot. One is for U.S. Congress and the other for a County position.

Representative in Congress – Fifth District

Register of Probate for Worcester County

For more details on voting, click here.

*If you have any questions about your ability to vote or safety concerns, contact the Town Clerk’s office at (508) 485-0710 x 3005.

Updated (11/3/20 8:12 am): I inserted some pics of the setup at Trottier, including a sign that verified you will need to know your precinct when you check in. (You can verify that here or get help at the polls.)

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