Above: This week’s highlights include a Thanksgiving themed “paint party” for 10-19 yr olds and the Town’s “celebration” of GIS Day with three free webinars for the public. (images L-R from Facebook and WinCalendar)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week.
Monday, November 16, 2020
- Stretch Break Class for seniors (10:15 am) @ zoom: The program is for current members of Friends of the Council on Aging only. Pre-registration is required. For details see page 8 of the Senior Center newsletter.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
- Library’s Preschool Virtual Story Time (10:30 am – 11:00 am) @ Facebook: Children’s Librarian “Miss Kim” will hold a story time for ages 2-5 (siblings welcome). Each week will feature themed stories on Facebook Live with Ms. Kim! No registration necessary (Note: you don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch the Library’s videos, which are still viewable after the live event is over.)
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
- GIS Day: MassGIS Overview (10:00 am) @ zoom: This webinar is part of Southborough Conservation Commission’s GIS Day celebration. Learn about GIS (Geographic Information System) and it’s various applications and uses from the public to private sector. All levels of knowledge or expertise welcome. This session learn about MassGIS and find out what tools are available to you on an every day basis. For details, see dedicated post.
- Stretch Break Class for seniors (10:15 am) @ zoom: The program is for current members of Friends of the Council on Aging only. Pre-registration is required. For details see page 8 of the Senior Center newsletter.
- Early Release for Neary SARP Students Only (11:30 am): Stand Alone Remote Program students in Neary School have an early dismissal today to allow for parent-teacher conferences. (These students don’t have early dismissal on Thursday & Friday)
- GIS Day: GIS in the Private Sector (2:00 pm) @ zoom: This webinar is part of Southborough Conservation Commission’s GIS Day celebration. This session, learn how GIS is used in the private sector for application submittals, planning purposes, and field applications. See how consultants best utilize GIS to help them get accurate information for their projects. Includes a LiDAR demo. For details, see dedicated post.
- Algonquin Writing Center Fundraiser (4:00 – 8:00 pm): Order dinner from Chipotle in Marlborough and have ⅓ of your bill donated to the free, student-run tutoring service. For details to ensure they get the credit, see dedicated post.
- Cornucopia Paint Party (3:00 – 4:30 pm) @ virtual: Southborough Library craft program for ages 10-19 yrs old. Pre-registration is required and event is capped. Join Becky from Mermaid Masterpieces for a paint party. This program was made possible by a mini-grant from the Southborough Education Foundation. For details, see dedicated post.
- GIS Day: Use of GIS in DCR Bird Harassment Program (4:00 pm) @ zoom: This webinar is part of Southborough Conservation Commission’s GIS Day celebration. This session is a presentation on the use of GIS and associated tools to conduct gull surveys as part of the Bird Harassment Study. Includes use of Python scripts, data collection demos, an overview of their Dashboard, and their ArcGIS Hub site. For details, see dedicated post.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
- GIS Day: Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (10:00 am) @ zoom: This webinar is part of Southborough Conservation Commission’s GIS Day celebration. This extra session is a presentation on MAPC as a GIS resource for Southborough. For details, see dedicated post.
- Story Time on the Lawn (10:30 am – 11:00 am) @ Southborough Library Lawn: Free program offered by the Southborough Library. It’s story time on the library lawn! This program is for kids aged 2-5, plus siblings and parents/caregivers. For details, see updated dedicated post.
- K-8 Early Release (11:20 am/12:00 pm): Southborough K-8 public schools (except for Neary’s SARP students) have a half day to allow for Parent-teacher conferences. Neary (hybrid) and Trottier students are released at 11:20 am. Finn and Woodward students are released at noon.
- Seated Chair Yoga (1:00 – 2:00 pm) @ zoom: The program is for current members of Friends of the Council on Aging only. Pre-registration is required. For details see page 8 of the Senior Center newsletter.
Friday, November 20, 2020
- K-8 Early Release (11:20 am/12:00 pm): Southborough K-8 public schools (except for Neary’s SARP students) have a half day to allow for Parent-teacher conferences. Neary (hybrid) and Trottier students are released at 11:20 am. Finn and Woodward students are released at noon.
- Creative Writing Club-for Teens & Tweens (3:00 – 4:00 pm) @ zoom: Tweens and teens interested in meeting other writers and looking for ways to foster their own writing are welcome to the Southborough Library’s virtual club for enthusiastic writers. Participation is free but pre-registration is required. For details, see dedicated post.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
- Cub Scout – Wreaths & Candle Sale (10:00 am – 4:00 pm) @ Transfer Station: Cub Scouts will be selling Christmas wreaths and Hanukkah candles. For details, see dedicated post.
- Read to a Dog (11:00 – 11:40 am) @ zoom: Children preferably ages 5 and up with some reading ability will read to a certified therapy dog. The event is limited and requires pre-registration. For details, see dedicated post.
- DECA fundraiser at Mooyah (12:00 pm – 9:00 pm) @ Mooyah, 10010 Shops Way, Northborough: Dine at the restaurant to raise money for the Northborough Southborough Music Association. Stay tuned for details.
Updated (11/16/20 9:29 am): Replaced image and caption.
Updated (11/17/20 9:40 am): Added outdoor story time.
Updated (11/17/20 2:01 pm): An extra GIS session was added for Thursday morning.
Updated (11/17/20 3:52 pm): I was alerted about two more events – the Wednesday night fundraiser for the Algonquin Writing Center and Cub Scouts’ sale at the Transfer Station on Saturday. (I’m expecting to get details on one more event this Saturday. So, stay tuned.
Updated (11/18/20 11:59 pm): I just learned about DECA’s fundraiser this weekend. And I’m still waiting for details on one more event I expect on Saturday. Stay tuned.