Order your Southborough Gardeners’ Table Arrangements (wreaths are sold out)

The Southborough Gardeners asked me to notify readers that they have sold out of some of the seasonal arrangements they are selling by mail. The group has been raising funds for Town beautification through a special sale. Clearly, they’ve had some great success:

The wreaths have sold so well that they are sold out, so please advise your readers that we can no longer offer wreaths for sale beyond the ones that have already been ordered, but all the beautiful table arrangements are still available.

As I previously posted, The Gardeners were unable to hold its annual Guest Day with its Holiday Boutique this month. Fortunately, they came up with a way to allow the public to buy the kinds of seasonal decorations they’ve come to expect from the Gardeners.

Members have been arranging a variety of wreaths and table arrangements in shades of white and red for the holidays. This year, you can order items by mail. And while the wreaths are no longer available, there are still six varieties of table arrangements.

All proceeds will fund the Gardeners’ Town beautification efforts. On Facebook, the group posted:

With the holiday season soon approaching, Southborough Gardeners invite you to visit their Holiday Sale in December Covid-19 style!

They will offer hand crafted fresh arrangements in a variety of seasonal containers. . . to beautify your homes or front doors for the winter season.

All items will be made to order.

Quantities are limited and orders need to be placed in time for their pick-up event:

Social distancing curbside pick-up will be on Saturday, December 5th from 11:00 – 2:00.

Arrangements still for sale have prices ranging from $20 to $40.

You can open the updated order form here to print, complete, and mail in with payment. The third page shows the table arrangements. To make it easier, I also included the pics.

Click on thumbnails below to enlarge the selection choices and their descriptions as listed on the order form:

Sleigh Oval Container with Trees Mitten Rounded Ridged Container Santa Belt

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