Above: Changes to annual Christmas events in Southborough include Santa greeting kids this year from a bigger distance than usual and the St. Mark’s Christmas Bazaar going online. (image left cropped from photo by Susan Fitzgerald, right from St. Mark’s flyer)
This time of year, I’m usually sharing save the dates for some big Christmas season events. Obviously, the pandemic has disrupted just about everything these days. For some events, organizers have been able to find a way to navigate a safe way to offer modified fun. Other events just weren’t viable this year.
For those of you wondering what festivities will be happening this year and what won’t be, here’s an update.
Events being held (with changes):
Christmas Tree Sales – November 28th until trees run out
The Southborough Firefighter’s Association is holding its annual fundraiser, selling trees behind the fire station. There are some different details this year, so be sure to check out my detailed post.
Santa Day – December 5th
Santa Claus will be coming to town. But, as I previously posted, the event won’t include a helicopter landing this year, no one will be climbing into Santa’s lap, and there won’t be festivities at the Community House. To get the details on the drive-by fun, click here.
St. Mark’s Christmas Bazaar – December 1st – 6th
Normally, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church holds a big bazaar the first Saturday in December. This year, the fundraiser will be going online and running from Tuesday – Sunday. I’m told it will feature a Silent Auction, Bake Sale, and Basket Raffle. (Stay tuned – I’ll be running a post on Monday with more details.)
Don’t look for:
Girl Scouts Sing-a-long
The Friday before Santa Day, Girl Scout families normally gather on the Community House lawn to sing Christmas Carols and other winter/holiday songs. That won’t be an option this year.
Annual Kids Shop
Troop 92’s annual event is one that many families look forward to on the first Saturday in December. A shop is set up in the Woodward School cafeteria where kids can safely shop for families on their own. Not surprisingly, the Boy Scouts weren’t able to come up with a safe way to make that available this year. (I know that was a big disappointment for the troop.)
Southborough Library Tree Trimming Party
That first Saturday in December, kids also usually flock to the Library to make ornaments to adorn the Library’s Christmas Tree. The party includes candy canes and other treats. This year, the Library is still closed to the public.
Handel’s Messiah Concert
Normally, singers from Southborough and area communities gather weekly in the fall to practice singing Handel’s Messiah. The choral concert is then held at Pilgrim Church on the first or second Sunday in December. It wasn’t possible to organize that safely this year.
Holiday Art & Gift Sale
A group of local artisans has been banding together to hold a special sale in early to mid-December at the Barn on Chestnut Hill Road and L’Abri Fellowship. Technically, this year’s sale wasn’t cancelled. It was moved outdoors and therefore moved up to much earlier than usual in the fall. (The “Art & Gift Sale” took place on November 7th on the lawn at L’Abri.)
Is there something I missed?
Is there an event you are wondering about? Or an upcoming event that you want readers to know about? Post a comment or email mysouthborough@gmail.com.