Above: Construction at the Library is forcing the facility to close curbside pickup for an additional week. (images from Facebook)
Over a week ago, I shared the news that curbside pickup for the Southborough Library would be closed last week. Initially, the plan was to resume service today. It turns out the service disruption is going longer than planned. Library staff will not return to the building until next Monday, December 21st.
Until then, the public will be unable to borrow materials from the Library. You also won’t be able to reach staff by phone. However, as I shared last week, you can “chat” online with staff.
Plus, you can always utilize the Library’s many virtual resources including ebooks and digital audiobooks.
Is it just my error-prone memory or is there ALWAYS some kind of remediating construction proect going on at this library. It’s a nice looking building and perfectly located but is it a structural nightmare?
It does feel as though the Children’s Library, in particular, has pretty much been closed long-term intermittently for my kids’ entire childhood’s… which is Finn age!