Above: SYFS is partnering to offer more vital workshops for residents. The next two focus on helping teens have healthy relationships. (images cropped from flyers)
Southborough Youth & Family Services is offering a two part series addressing Healthy Relationships. The focus is on relationships that teens have. One is with their parents, the second is with other teens.
SYFS is working with Voices Against Violence* to offer the series. An announcement explained:
Over the past year many adolescent relationships have been strained due to quarantine and additional stressors, and we feel it is important to discuss healthy boundaries.
Both sessions require pre-registering through zoom, using links below. Space is limited:
Teens & Parents – Wednesday, January 20 at 7:00 pm is for adolescents and their parents “to identify health aspects of relationships and boundary setting.” Click here to register.
Teens & Teens – Wednesday, January 27 at 7:00 pm is for teens only “to identify and analyze characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.” (Teens don’t need to currently be in a romantic relationship to participate.) Click here to register.
Click thumbnails below for flyers
*Voices Against Violence is a human service agency out of Framingham whose mission is to end sexual and domestic violence. “Voices staff members work to empower victims and survivors to help themselves and their children. Voices is also a social change organization, working toward the elimination of violence on a societal level through community education, primary prevention and increased public awareness and action. “