Register through Sunday for 2nd round of Winter Sow program

Above: If you’d like to have plants in your yard and around the community this summer that support native pollinators, sign up by Sunday to sow the seeds this winter to make that happen. (scroll down for photo credits)

A second round has open for the “Winter Sow” program sponsored by Southborough’s Open Space Preservation Commission

OSPC Chair Freddie Gillespie posted a comment announcing the news:

ROUND 2: More Free Seeds!

Did you miss out ordering seeds for this Friday’s Open Space Preservation Commission’s Pollination Preservation Winter Sow Workshop? Well you’re not alone, due to popular demand we added on another round, open now through the morning of Sunday January 31 to order. Several Curbside pick-ups will be arranged.

Go to the OSPC webpage to read a project overview (from the first round) look at the ROUND 2 plant list and use the link to register and order plants. We will email registrants dates and places to pick up seeds as we fill orders. All registered will be sent link to Friday’s Pollination Preservation Winter Sow Webinar.

Previously, I posted about the program to support OSPC’s Native Pollinator • Native Plant initiative. Participants picked up seeds for plants native to our region and took part in a zoom webinar to learn how to sow them and foster them into seedlings by creating their “Own Mini Greenhouse in a Bottle”.

Volunteers were asked to identify which varieties they would like to receive, with caveats:

The seeds are free as long as you commit to plant and care for them following our Winter Sow Method. We ask that you plant enough for yourself and even extras to give back to public gardens around town or to share with friends. Do not take more seeds than you are willing to make containers for. Each packet will be enough seeds for 1 to 2 containers. You can order 1 packet of each species whether it is 1 species or 22. . . 

Availability will depend on how many people sign up. Everyone will get seeds although we can’t guarantee you will get everything you order. For some plants we have a lot of seeds and others not so much.

Later, an OSPC call for volunteers specified that they are partnering on a new “Pollinator Preservation Garden” at the Beals Preserve. They are hoping that in addition to planting seedlings in their own yards, some volunteers will help support the Beals Garden and “to also facilitate pollination habitat in yards throughout town”.

Later this spring, the Commission will be seeking volunteers to help tend the Beals garden:

We will also be looking for volunteers in the spring to help prepare, plant and care for the garden. If you’re interested in helping out with the Pollination Preservation Garden, please email Freddie Gillespie at

*Most of the listed plants are shown as supporting the bumblebee species bombus fervidus and/or bombus vagans. Many also attract butterflies, birds, and/or native caterpillars.

(images cropped from OSPC program materials and communications, bottom L-R attributed to Freddie Gillespie and Dawn Vesey)

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